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February 2008

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Game Maker Blog

Thursday, 14 February

Game Maker Magazine
Another new Game Maker Magazine has been launched. Yep that’s its name “G...

Friday, 15 February

GameMakerTech have standards
It appears GameMakerTech have standards - hurrah!Mod gets confused at the GMC - well &#...

Saturday, 16 February

Yet Another Magazine
…Although this one is actually decent awesome. Russell’s Quarterly doe...

Sunday, 17 February

GM Arcade
It appears this is the first post on GameMaker Blog or gmnews about this site which act...

Monday, 18 February

YoYo Games hint at Revenue Sharing
Sandy from YoYo Games has hinted at the introduction of a revenue sharing scheme for ga...

Tuesday, 19 February

MarkUp 12
The MarkUp game maker magazine has released its 12th monthly issue making it the first ...

Wednesday, 20 February

GameMaker on Linux?
Writing on PascalGameDevelopment.com, savage, working for SumoDigital (the company work...

Thursday, 21 February

YoYo to invest $5M in Game Maker
Three quick snippets of news from YoYo Games Ltd:Sandy has quietly mentioned that YoYo ...

Saturday, 23 February

GMTV Title Sequence
Danny has released a video showing the evolution of the GameMaker-TV.com introduction s...

Thursday, 28 February

YoYo Games - One year on from GameMaker 7 [new]
It has been a year since the first (and only) release of Game Maker under YoYo Games Lt...
YoYo Games - One year on from GameMaker 7
It has been a year since the first (and only) release of Game Maker under YoYo Games Lt...

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