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February 2008

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« January 2008 | February 2008 | March 2008 »

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Friday, 1 February

Second Competition: Ancient Civilization
As you might have seen on the YoYo Games website, the second competition has started wi...
Competition #2
Hello Everyone, It is my distinct pleasure to announce the second YYG Developers compet...
Competition Begins!
Hey guys this is marbs again.As mentioned before, we are having a competition this week...
YoYo Games Oude beschaving competitie
YoYo games heeft hum tweede Game Maker wedstrijd aangekondigd. Het thema is ditmaal oud...
Anunciadas las fechas de la GDC París
Fuente: www.Noticiasjuegos.comLa organización de la GDC París, que tendrá luga...
Strange Kazoos
I made this in NitroTracker (for the DS) with only sounds I made with my mouth.I guess ...
YoYo Games Oude beschaving competitie
YoYo games heeft hum tweede Game Maker wedstrijd aangekondigd. Het thema is ditmaal oud...

Saturday, 2 February

2da Competencia de YoYo Games
Salu2 Criados!  Tengo el honor de avisarles a todos ustedes que YoYoGames ha inici...
Další soutìž od Yoyogames!
Neubìhlo ani pár týdnù a je zde další soutìž od portálu Yoyo...
Všichni jsme jenom lidi
"Pan Ihnat mùže za to, co se stalo se servery... je to ovšem pouze èlo...

Monday, 4 February

Best of: december en januari
Best of: december en januari Game maker is zo waanzinnig populair dat er per dag tienta...
Other Tutorial Sites
* Announce your GM Tutorial Site Here * - Posted by KC LC
Best of: december en januari
Best of: december en januari Game maker is zo waanzinnig populair dat er per dag tienta...

Tuesday, 5 February

Fishy GM Blog Post
Update: Philip Gamble has issued a statement about the post. According to him, Jinxteng...
The future is bright....
Some of you may remember, that a few weeks ago, we started a Slogan Competition. Due to...
SeizureDome - GM Hry
Sumó je sport známý již nìco pøes 1000 let. Postupnì se vyvíjel...

Wednesday, 6 February

We're back... again
The server was taken down due to another site on it being used for Phishing. We're back...
Welcome back 64Digits
We had small server troubles but are now back and running. As a result, the game compet...
Winners have been announced
Here are the winners for the competition of January 2008.
How To Submit Tutorials
READ THIS: Requirements for Submitting.* - Posted by KC LC
Bifogade filer
Inte långt efter den senast uppdateringen kommer ännu en småtrevlig och ...
Bifogade filer
Inte långt efter den senast uppdateringen kommer ännu en småtrevlig och ...

Thursday, 7 February

Game Competition Results
If you want a review for each game by me, read my blog. Links to all the games are fort...
CosMind: wun mo glum
holy smokes, only one more glum to program (along with a teeny bit more art and behavio...
Andulky 3 - GM Hry
Akèní øežba jak se sluší a patøí. Jednoduše a struènì ...
Garden gnome carnage - GM Hry
I když je zima pomalu za námi a Vánoce jakbysmet, pøinášíme vám...

Friday, 8 February

YoMamasMama: FLaiL
FLaiLAppreciating the sunsetBig city life That doesn't make much sense"Hmm......

Saturday, 9 February

Zoek de functie
Ik stel de bewering dat ik iets over een spel ging zeggen nog even uit tot een moment i...
Zoek de functie
span style="font-family: trebuchet ms;"/spanspan style="font-family: tre...

Sunday, 10 February

Article editor bug fixed
You are now able to edit your articles again.
Level Design Theory
Players/Consumers are a top priority in your game. After all, they ARE the ones you are...
Planning your game
Planning is an essential part of designing any game. You may think it isn't, but most g...
Game Maker Newsaggregator Dienst GMPlanet gestartet
Es wird wohl mal wieder Zeit für eine Neuigkeit aus der Game Maker Szene. Und da gibt ...
gm-d.de AOL EMail Adressen
Aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich wiederholt davon abraten hier im Forum zum Registriere...

Monday, 11 February

GM Finalists in Games Festival
The Independent Games Festival (IGF), founded in 1998 by the CMP Game Group is a well r...

Tuesday, 12 February

A bit of downtime - here and there
For anyone who has been checking out the website and forum over the last few weeks, you...

Wednesday, 13 February

Competition ends!
So I never really said when the competition would end. Well I\'m telling you now that i...
A data structure for storing (and saving/loading) other data structures
Indian #1 incoming [new]
Nový poøad o poèítaèových hrách vás zavede do všech koutù...
A data structure for storing (and saving/loading) other data structures

Thursday, 14 February

Game Maker Magazine
Another new Game Maker Magazine has been launched. Yep that’s its name “G...
Nieuwe moderator en nieuwe globale moderators
Vanaf vandaag zal jelleisgoed de functie van moderator op zich nemen voor het forum Wor...
Ablach Blackrat: Duke Nukem Forever
Just thought I would provide a service announcement to people eagerly awaiting the new ...
messhof: radio show
I have a weekly radio show that starts tomorrow. More info HERE--http://messhof.blogspo...
Nieuwe moderator en nieuwe globale moderators
Vanaf vandaag zal jelleisgoed de functie van moderator op zich nemen voor het forum Wor...

Friday, 15 February

Debate: Annoying/Addicting the way to go?
Today’s post is more of a discussion than a news announcement, so please contribu...
GameMakerTech have standards
It appears GameMakerTech have standards - hurrah!Mod gets confused at the GMC - well &#...
Descargas recomendadas
Por norma general no publicamos noticias sobre las nuevas descargas, pero en esta ocasi...
Alright, I've been doing some categorizing. If you feel your extension is in the wrong ...
UPDATE: move_follow(object,speed)
Feb 15, 2008 - Amit points out an inconsistancy between description and function.
UPDATE: move_follow(object,speed)
Feb 15, 2008 - Amit points out an inconsistancy between description and function.
Alright, I've been doing some categorizing. If you feel your extension is in the wrong ...
UPDATE: move_follow(object,speed)
Feb 15, 2008 - Amit points out an inconsistancy between description and function.

Saturday, 16 February

Mag: Russell’s Quarterly
A new game magazine has popped up on the GMC today entitled Russell’s Quartely. I...
Yet Another Magazine
…Although this one is actually decent awesome. Russell’s Quarterly doe...
Extremely easy night thing
Just in case you wont to know the easy way but doesnt look so good

Sunday, 17 February

GM Arcade
It appears this is the first post on GameMaker Blog or gmnews about this site which act...
Theory of AI
The Theory of AI
2D Lighting (gmd tutoriál) [new]
Velice povedený tutoriál na svìtla ve 2D prostøedí.
Nomination de 2 nouveaux modérateurs...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Par ce message, je vous informe de la nomination au po...
Nomination de 2 nouveaux modérateurs...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Par ce message, je vous informe de la nomination au po...

Monday, 18 February

News Update - 18th February 2008
Every time I come to post something here on the Glog I’m amazed by how much time ...
YoYo Games hint at Revenue Sharing
Sandy from YoYo Games has hinted at the introduction of a revenue sharing scheme for ga...
YoYo gaat mogelijk in spellen adverteren
Sandy Duncan van YoYo Games heeft naar eigen zeggen veel spellen op andere websites ges...
YoMamasMama: An Untitled Story = Free Soon
Yeah, An Untitled Story has had a good run as a shareware title, and like I promised it...
UPDATE: normal_detect(x,y,obj [,rad [,res]])
Feb 17, 2008 - xot adds an extra error condition.
Chytrákova rychlosoutìž #1! [new]
První rychlosoutìž, která má za úkol provìøit vaše znalosti ...
Armageddon Days - shoot-em around - GM ... [new]
Dnes si pøedstavĂ­me tak trochu jinou shoot-em up, teda vlastnì around, protoÂ...
YoYo gaat mogelijk in spellen adverteren
Sandy Duncan van YoYo Games heeft naar eigen zeggen veel spellen op andere websites ges...
UPDATE: normal_detect(x,y,obj [,rad [,res]])
Feb 17, 2008 - xot adds an extra error condition.
UPDATE: normal_detect(x,y,obj [,rad [,res]])
Feb 17, 2008 - xot adds an extra error condition.

Tuesday, 19 February

Announcing MarkUp Magazine Issue 12
Hello,We are glad to announce that Issue 12 of MarkUp Magazine has been released! MarkU...
YYG: Decompiler & GMac
Sandy Duncan, spokesperson of YoYoGames has released a statement regarding the recently...
MarkUp 12
The MarkUp game maker magazine has released its 12th monthly issue making it the first ...
What do you do when you have no idea what article to write for the competition?!?!
New Administrator and programmer
A new administrator/programmer has joined the team!
Luky - Preview [new]
Frozzd - GM Hry [new]
Stopaøùv prùvodce, aneb zachraòte mumínky! Podobnými slovy by se dal ...
Announcing MarkUp Issue 12
Hello,We are glad to announce that Issue 12 of MarkUp Magazine has been released! MarkU...
Announcing MarkUp Issue 12
pHello,br /We are glad to announce that Issue 12 of strongMarkUp Magazine/strong has be...

Wednesday, 20 February

Mag: MarkUp 12
The GMKing team announced a new milestone today, making them the first Game Maker magaz...
GameMaker on Linux?
Writing on PascalGameDevelopment.com, savage, working for SumoDigital (the company work...
Game Maker Fortschritte bei der Entwicklung von Game Maker für Mac
Bei der Entwicklung von Game Maker für Mac gibt es nun sichtbare Fortschritte, und zwa...
--TIME WAR--(Grapics Improvement)
Well, I decided to start this over from scratch using all code because the old version ...

Thursday, 21 February

YYG: Explains II
Sandy Duncan, spokesperson for YoYo Games has further explained the company’s ann...
GMC: New Staff
Smarty, a current administrator of the Game Maker Community announced the addition of t...
YoYo to invest $5M in Game Maker
Three quick snippets of news from YoYo Games Ltd:Sandy has quietly mentioned that YoYo ...
YoMamasMama: FLaiL Q/A, etc
Quick FLaiL Q/ATaylorTech: What is FLaiL about?At its core, FLaiL is a platformer in th...
Dark Magic
the simple game rpg one steers the little mouse
UPDATE: date_format(format,datetime)
Feb 21, 2008 - xot adds ISO 8601, RFC 2822, and character escaping functionality

Friday, 22 February

Marketing You Game for the Competition
I am sure that quite a few of you are working on games for the competition. Even thoug...
Some Updates
It has been a few weeks before I last posted an announcement, so I think it’s time t...
How to simply and effectively learn how to use Game Maker
Have you have trouble learning Game Maker? Here are some nice tips on how to learn it.
Some Updates
It has been a few weeks before I last posted an announcement, so I think it’...
Marketing You Game for the Competition
I am sure that quite a few of you are working on games for the competition. Even though...

Saturday, 23 February

GM Competition Update
In the PR flap following the release of Game Maker 7, several independent projects were...
GMTV Title Sequence
Danny has released a video showing the evolution of the GameMaker-TV.com introduction s...
Car Physics
Check It Out! - Posted by cpsgames
Zonder vrouwen is 't ook maar saai
Een paar berichten geleden had ik gezegd dat ik iets over een Game Makerspel ging zegge...
Suga' and Cream
Suga' and Cream is a platformer with simple graphics and a touch of suga'. In...
A hard grappling game.
i made this song on fl sudio, if you want it for your project take it. but i want to kn...
i made this song on fl sudio, if you want i for your project take it. but i want to kno...
Zonder vrouwen is 't ook maar saai
span style="font-family: trebuchet ms;"Een paar berichten geleden had ik geze...

Sunday, 24 February

Savefile Menus V2
No more dialog boxes! 600+ downloads! - Posted by trigger22
Inventory Example
Very simple! Array based! - Posted by vile_smile
Mayores y mujeres son los nuevos objetivos de los creadores de videojuegos
Mayores y mujeres son los nuevos objetivos de los creadores y fabricantes de videojuego...
Los vídeojuegos mejoran la salud visual
Los vídeojuegos mejoran la salud visualFuente: HispaMp3.Los vídeo-juegos ayudan a...
Sadbot - 7.8
Mister Sadbot is in really sad mood, and want to run from everything! Help him escape t...
Neon Green
Neon Green is a small platformer that currently has 10 playable levels. It has 1-bit gr...
Sadbot - 7.7
Mister Sadbot is in really sad mood, and want to run from everything! Help him escape t...

Monday, 25 February

Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Drawing A Fiery Sun [new]
Inspiration for blend modes - Posted by ws25
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial [new]
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Drawing A Fiery Sun
Inspiration for blend modes - Posted by ws25
Simple Saving System By Grabnar
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Circle Circle Dot Dot
I don't even know.PS: Someone change my name to "Hyperion", thanks<3

Tuesday, 26 February

An Untitled Story: Now Freeware [new]
Head over to the Play page to download the full version of An Untitled Story - now for ...
Server Reboot [new]
We have rebooted the server, due to a minor issues on the server\'s end. If you experi...
Vector Based 3d Flight System [new]
The easiest system for emulating flight - Posted by Qwertyman
Lukearentz's Login & Save System V1 [new]
Saving multiple users and games - Posted by Lukearentz
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Links (clickeable Text) [new]
like in a browser - Posted by WaiseArt
An Untitled Story [new]
You're an egg...
How To Make Text Above An Object
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Links (clickeable Text)
like in a browser - Posted by WaiseArt
The Adventures of Cendah [new]
Welcome to the true world of Knight Man. You will once again play the role of Cendah, b...
Jumpers 3 - version 3 - 5.2 [new]
updates: I deleted the slopes and fixed the collision with walls. I Tried to add 3 song...
Server Reboot
We have rebooted the server, due to a minor issues on the server\'s end. If you experi...
Vector Based 3d Flight System
The easiest system for emulating flight - Posted by Qwertyman
Lukearentz's Login & Save System V1
Saving multiple users and games - Posted by Lukearentz
The Adventures of Cendah
Welcome to the true world of Knight Man. You will once again play the role of Cendah, b...
Jumpers 3 - version 3 - 5.2
updates: I deleted the slopes and fixed the collision with walls. I Tried to add 3 song...
An Untitled Story: Now Freeware
Head over to the Play page to download the full version of An Untitled Story - now for ...
An Untitled Story
You're an egg...
UPDATE: bin_to_bytes(bin)
Feb 26, 2008 - xot corrects a major bug found by $pector
UPDATE: bin_to_bytes(bin)
Feb 26, 2008 - xot corrects a major bug found by $pector
An Untitled Story: Now Freeware
Head over to the Play page to download the full version of An Untitled Story - now for ...
An Untitled Story
You're an egg...
An Untitled Story
You're an egg...

Wednesday, 27 February

64D Music Contest [new]
64Digits Music Contestas written in Polystyrene Man's blog(Not actually endorsed by 64D...
Tips To Win [new]
A few days ago, Mark Overmars posted an article on his personal blog giving tips to win...
SHMUP_engine [new]
v0.31Control : Move => Arrowsshoot => CTRLThat's it for now.There's so much work ...
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
Gm7 Improved Object Object Collisions [new]
GM7 When two objects collide(tutorial) - Posted by acord
City Walking Ais & City Driving Ais [new]
Cheap, fast, low cost path system - Posted by icuurd12b42
Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
Lukearentz's Simple Fog Of War V1 [new]
Novice Level FOW - Posted by Lukearentz
64Digits.com Music Contest [new]
64Digits.com Music Contestas written in Polystyrene Man's blog on 64digits.com(Not actu...
Tips To Win
A few days ago, Mark Overmars posted an article on his personal blog giving tips to win...
v0.31Control : Move => Arrowsshoot => CTRLThat's it for now.There's so much work ...
64Digits.com Music Contest
64Digits.com Music Contestas written in Polystyrene Man's blog on 64digits.com(Not actu...

Thursday, 28 February

YoYo Games - One year on from GameMaker 7 [new]
It has been a year since the first (and only) release of Game Maker under YoYo Games Lt...
Public Discussion :: Many Changes [new]
A few weeks ago, before gmjab took a little break, he made some changes to the differen...
Mmorpg Engine [new]
Unlimited players in an online game - Posted by Dangerous_Dave
Pokemon/rpg Base For Unreg. [new]
No battle system yet... - Posted by Chao
Pause Game Example [new]
Very easy to use!! - Posted by Josho13
Window Manipulation Control [new]
Customize the window border! - Posted by Fede-lasse
A Lizcren's Tale-Crystal Blade [new]
-----The Cline City Cafe-2167-----The year was 2167. Ashwon was searching for any crime...
YoYo Games - One year on from GameMaker 7
It has been a year since the first (and only) release of Game Maker under YoYo Games Lt...
Public Discussion :: Many Changes
A few weeks ago, before gmjab took a little break, he made some changes to the differen...
A Lizcren's Tale-Crystal Blade
-----The Cline City Cafe-2167-----The year was 2167. Ashwon was searching for any crime...
Public Discussion :: Many Changes
A few weeks ago, before gmjab took a little break, he made some changes to the differen...

Friday, 29 February

Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
3dpme Full [new]
3D Player Movement Engine - GM6 Update - Posted by yo1dog
Rpg Tips/examples/scripts Etc [new]
i have uploaded an example, - Posted by Nori
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Simple Paint [new]
Posted by yamitimi
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Sparkengine V1.0 [new]
**OVER 100 DOWNLOADS** - Posted by kristian221
Sparkengine V1.01 **updated** [new]
**OVER 150 DOWNLOADS** - Posted by kristian221
Random Enemy Name Example! [new]
Extremely Easy! - Posted by hardcoregamer
Player Selection [new]
Added a .gm6 version revamped example - Posted by danshow555
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« January 2008 | February 2008 | March 2008 »