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March 2008

Archive Archive

« February 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 »

Tutorials and Examples

Saturday, 1 March

Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
Platform Tutorial [new]
* New Link -- Opened. * - Posted by Titanium
Tds Sniper Spot Generator [new]
Finds good sniper spots for any TDS map! - Posted by Fede-lasse

Sunday, 2 March

Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
The Surfaces Tutorial [new]
Learn how to use surfaces! - Posted by esh_corp11
Making Guided Missles [new]
Making Realistic Guided Missles - Posted by Super Lala
Creating Your Own Room Transition With Gm7 Pro [new]
general description and sample scripts - Posted by torigara
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Custom Window [new]
Without DLL - Posted by Revel
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 180+ downloads - Posted by franchise
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Sparkengine V1.01 **updated** [new]
**OVER 150 DOWNLOADS** - Posted by kristian221
Vertical Moving Platforms(gml) [new]
For all users!! That understand GM - Posted by SMP
Rpg Tips/examples/scripts Etc [new]
i have uploaded an example, - Posted by Nori
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
External Loading Example
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
The Surfaces Tutorial
Learn how to use surfaces! - Posted by esh_corp11
Making Guided Missles
Making Realistic Guided Missles - Posted by Super Lala
Creating Your Own Room Transition With Gm7 Pro
general description and sample scripts - Posted by torigara

Monday, 3 March

Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Rpg Tips/examples/scripts Etc [new]
i have uploaded an example, - Posted by Nori
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
How To Submit Tutorials [new]
READ THIS: Requirements for Submitting.* - Posted by KC LC
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Sparkengine V1.01 **updated** [new]
**OVER 150 DOWNLOADS** - Posted by kristian221
Finding The Center Of Mass [new]
Of a 2d Uniform Body - Posted by Qwertyman
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 250 DOWNLOADS** - Posted by kristian221
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 300 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
Realtime Soft Shadows
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Finding The Center Of Mass
Of a 2d Uniform Body - Posted by Qwertyman
Multiplayer Example
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Rpg Tips/examples/scripts Etc
i have uploaded an example, - Posted by Nori

Tuesday, 4 March

How To Submit Tutorials [new]
READ THIS: Requirements for Submitting.* - Posted by KC LC
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Destructible Terrain [new]
How to make destructible Terrain - Posted by grabeorama
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files [new]
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
How To Submit Tutorials
READ THIS: Requirements for Submitting.* - Posted by KC LC
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*)
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow

Wednesday, 5 March

How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
every line of code is commented!! - Posted by blobstah
Destructible Terrain [new]
How to make destructible Terrain - Posted by grabeorama
Mmorpg Engine [new]
Unlimited players in an online game - Posted by Dangerous_Dave
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Car Physics [new]
Check It Out! - Posted by cpsgames
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files [new]
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
Simple Saving System By Grabnar
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar

Thursday, 6 March

Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
every line of code is commented!! - Posted by blobstah
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Destructible Terrain [new]
How to make destructible Terrain - Posted by grabeorama
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Car Physics [new]
Check It Out! - Posted by cpsgames
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
View Auto Zoom, Like Super Smash Bros [new]
Keep multiple objects always in view - Posted by jabelar

Friday, 7 March

Destructible Terrain [new]
How to make destructible Terrain - Posted by grabeorama
Car Physics [new]
Check It Out! - Posted by cpsgames
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Drop Down Menu Example [new]
Or more commonly known as a combo box - Posted by Lycondone
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 180+ downloads - Posted by franchise
Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 225+ downloads - Posted by franchise

Saturday, 8 March

Vector Based 3d Flight System [new]
The easiest system for emulating flight - Posted by Qwertyman
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 225+ downloads - Posted by franchise
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
360° Moving Platform V1.1 Gm5.2+ (and Gm6) [new]
the character stay and move with it :9kb - Posted by djrellik
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 230+ downloads - Posted by franchise

Sunday, 9 March

Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
360° Moving Platform V1.1 Gm5.2+ (and Gm6) [new]
the character stay and move with it :9kb - Posted by djrellik
Vector Based 3d Flight System [new]
The easiest system for emulating flight - Posted by Qwertyman
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 230+ downloads - Posted by franchise
Platform, Maze, And Top-down Shooter Example [new]
A 3 in 1 example - Posted by pngnman
Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Mini Tutorial On How To Apply Ini Files [new]
Make your own examples with ini files - Posted by Weird Dragon
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 250+ downloads - Posted by franchise

Monday, 10 March

External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Mini Tutorial On How To Apply Ini Files [new]
Make your own examples with ini files - Posted by Weird Dragon
Platform, Maze, And Top-down Shooter Example [new]
A 3 in 1 example - Posted by pngnman
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Accelerate Draw_text [new]
and fix cleartype as a bonus - Posted by icuurd12b42
Question Box / Menu Script [new]
Script+GMK example included - Posted by templargfx
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Custom Window [new]
Without DLL - Posted by Revel
Lukearentz's Simple Light Source V2 [new]
Novice Level Lighting - Posted by Lukearentz
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files [new]
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar

Tuesday, 11 March

Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Question Box / Menu Script [new]
Script+GMK example included - Posted by templargfx
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Stats Graph [new]
Poliangular graph used in RPGs - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Accelerate Draw_text [new]
and fix cleartype as a bonus - Posted by icuurd12b42
Custom Window [new]
Without DLL - Posted by Revel
How Do I Make A Timer? [new]
Easy solution - Posted by Ultimate
Lukearentz's Simple Light Source V2 [new]
Novice Level Lighting - Posted by Lukearentz
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files [new]
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
** CLOSED, BAD LINK ** - Posted by Schyler

Wednesday, 12 March

Stats Graph [new]
Poliangular graph used in RPGs - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Accelerate Draw_text [new]
and fix cleartype as a bonus - Posted by icuurd12b42
How Do I Make A Timer? [new]
Easy solution - Posted by Ultimate
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Lukearentz's Simple Light Source V2 [new]
Novice Level Lighting - Posted by Lukearentz
Platform Ai [new]
Simple and Effective - Posted by Crispy
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Stats Graph [new]
Poliangular graph used in RPGs - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
How Do I Make A Timer? [new]
Easy solution - Posted by Ultimate
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Picture-forming Pixels (revised) [new]
A bunch of picture pieces form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Simple Room To Room [new]
Get your player where he is going! - Posted by Silvess
Fake 3d Physics Example
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Accelerate Draw_text
and fix cleartype as a bonus - Posted by icuurd12b42
Textbox Tutorial
Posted by drazzke
Simple Room To Room
Get your player where he is going! - Posted by Silvess

Thursday, 13 March

Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
Lukearentz's Simple Light Source V2 [new]
Novice Level Lighting - Posted by Lukearentz
Platform Ai [new]
Simple and Effective - Posted by Crispy
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Question Box / Menu Script [new]
Script+GMK example included - Posted by templargfx
Stats Graph [new]
Poliangular graph used in RPGs - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Picture-forming Pixels (revised) [new]
A bunch of picture pieces form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
How Do I Make A Timer? [new]
Easy solution - Posted by Ultimate
Tank Handling Tutorial, Tank With Turret, Part: I [new]
6.1 reg. Mostly for novice users, GML - Posted by Acegikmo
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 300 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
How To Do Some Nice Custom Gui... [new]
Buttons and scrollbars for your games! - Posted by Potnop

Friday, 14 March

Tank Handling Tutorial, Tank With Turret, Part: I [new]
6.1 reg. Mostly for novice users, GML - Posted by Acegikmo
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 300 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
How To Do Some Nice Custom Gui... [new]
Buttons and scrollbars for your games! - Posted by Potnop
Drop Down Menu Example [new]
Or more commonly known as a combo box - Posted by Lycondone
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Question Box / Menu Script [new]
Script+GMK example included - Posted by templargfx
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Picture-forming Pixels (revised) [new]
A bunch of picture pieces form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521

Saturday, 15 March

Drop Down Menu Example [new]
Or more commonly known as a combo box - Posted by Lycondone
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
Split-screen + Control Screen Tutorial [new]
without objects floating above players - Posted by Delta 04
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 300 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
Drop Down Menu Example [new]
Or more commonly known as a combo box - Posted by Lycondone
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Split-screen + Control Screen Tutorial [new]
without objects floating above players - Posted by Delta 04
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**NOW OVER 400 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Inventory Example [new]
Dropping, "looting", Not drag and drop - Posted by Revel
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah

Sunday, 16 March

Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**NOW OVER 400 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
Split-screen + Control Screen Tutorial [new]
without objects floating above players - Posted by Delta 04
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Inventory Example [new]
Dropping, "looting", Not drag and drop - Posted by Revel
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Movement, Jumping, And Gravity [new]
Double jumping ;3 - Posted by jgrant
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Split-screen + Control Screen Tutorial [new]
without objects floating above players - Posted by Delta 04
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**NOW OVER 500 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221

Monday, 17 March

Movement, Jumping, And Gravity [new]
Double jumping ;3 - Posted by jgrant
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel

Tuesday, 18 March

Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog

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« February 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 »