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March 2008

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Saturday, 1 March

Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
Elemence AuX [new]
As six Gold elements are taken into the Elemence matrix, their properties are warped an...
Platform Tutorial [new]
* New Link -- Opened. * - Posted by Titanium
Tds Sniper Spot Generator [new]
Finds good sniper spots for any TDS map! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Design des Forens [new]
Hallo,ich habe jetzt auch die Burning Board Lizenz und finde das Design von hier total ...
Keine Vogelperspektive? [new]
Hey Leute...Will mich mal an einem kleinen 2D Shooter versuchen,bloß brauch ich mal Hi...
Zeichensetzung bei Rechnung auf Korrektheit überprüfen [new]
Hallöle!Ich habe ein Problem mit einer Art Taschenrechner. Zuerst einmal der Code: ...
Ballern im Lite GM [new]
Hi LeuteIch würde gerne ein Game editiren wo man schiessen kann aber ich hab nur die L...
GM 6 Tiles animieren [new]
Hallo, Community!Ich arbeite zur Zeit ein wenig an einem Zelda-Ähnlichem Spiel und br...
gm-d.de Kalender für das Forum
Ich habe nun ein Kalenderplugin in das Forum eingebaut, in welchem alle Geburtstage ein...
Elemence AuX
As six Gold elements are taken into the Elemence matrix, their properties are warped an...
Jag har gjort lite smärre uppdateringar av UGMS idag, inget stort dock. 1. Den dÃ...
Jag har gjort lite smärre uppdateringar av UGMS idag, inget stort dock. 1. Den dÃ...

Sunday, 2 March

Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
RUBBER [new]
No need to fantacise. Here is your "C'mon, delete!" topic! [new]
No need to fantacise. Here is your "C'mon, delete!" topic!
Easy-Upload.nl - Nu in ontwikkeling: [new]
Easy-Upload: http://www.easy-upload.nlmaandag, 03 maart 2008: Nu in ontwikkeling:Er sta...
[vista] rundll32 error? [new]
ik krijg elke keer als ik de pc opstaat een error van rundll32 als ik dan op ok klik da...
Gevaarlijke extensies [new]
Hallo, ik maak een upload script.Ik heb het script zo geprogrammeerd dat de opgegeven e...
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
The Surfaces Tutorial [new]
Learn how to use surfaces! - Posted by esh_corp11
Making Guided Missles [new]
Making Realistic Guided Missles - Posted by Super Lala
Creating Your Own Room Transition With Gm7 Pro [new]
general description and sample scripts - Posted by torigara
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Custom Window [new]
Without DLL - Posted by Revel
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 180+ downloads - Posted by franchise
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Sparkengine V1.01 **updated** [new]
**OVER 150 DOWNLOADS** - Posted by kristian221
Vertical Moving Platforms(gml) [new]
For all users!! That understand GM - Posted by SMP
Rpg Tips/examples/scripts Etc [new]
i have uploaded an example, - Posted by Nori
Browser Aufrufen [new]
Hallo, gibt es in GML eine Funktion mit der man den Browser aufrufen kann und dann auf ...
"Bounce"-Klon - Problem mit Physik [new]
Also ich arbeite auch gerade an einem (Mini-) Spiel, das dem Handy-Game "Bounce&qu...
CS:S problem [new]
ich hab ein problem mit CSalso...Wenn ich einen CS Server starte und die map awp_zd67 o...
dringend sounds gesucht [new]
hi leute ich bastel grad an einer slotmaschine und benötige dringen bestimmte sounds.s...
Bounce 3!! (testversion) [new]
Bounce 3 ist ein jump and run spiel indem du viele Level mit einem Ball durchspielen mu...
Gefunden: Suche folgendes Spiel [new]
Jetzt war ich doch schon lang genug auf der Suche bei Google.de. Hi, ich suche ein Spie...
Zielen mit Lite Version [new]
Hi Ich hab ne Frage.Kann man eigentlich in der Lite Version mit z.B.: einem Gewehr auf ...
nur in der nähe schießen [new]
ich mache in moment ein spiel wo man auch natürlich auch sterben kann deshalb brauch i...
GM 7 Partikelgröße definieren [new]
Ein Problem tut sich mir auf: Ich arbeite momentan an einem kleinen Arcade-Spiel, in de...
GM 6 2D => "3D" [new]
Hallöle xDIch hätte mal eine ganz komplizierte Frage:Wie kann ich mit normalen 2D dra...
GM 7 Headshot?! [GM7 PRO] [new]
Hallo leute, ich versuche zurzeit aus dieser engine ein spiel zu machen...nun möchte i...
Brainhammer (neue version verfügbar) [new]
hi leuteich hab bei nem kumpel aufm handy ein interessantes game gespielt.das spiel hat...
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
External Loading Example
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
The Surfaces Tutorial
Learn how to use surfaces! - Posted by esh_corp11
Making Guided Missles
Making Realistic Guided Missles - Posted by Super Lala
Creating Your Own Room Transition With Gm7 Pro
general description and sample scripts - Posted by torigara

Monday, 3 March

Cronjob [new]
Hey,Ik wil elke dag om 02:00 uur een php bestand (uitvoer.php) laten uitvoeren, dit luk...
Mozilla Firefox virus removed! [new]
Hopefully. Anyways, figured out meh problem, so that no windows pop up anymore...THOSE ...
My Apologies [new]
I realize I have been a real jerk the first few weeks I've been at 64Digits. I'm alread...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aJjMOy-Ops[/youtube]That DooM weapon is more e...
Funfunfun ^_^ [new]
Blog Title? Adrenaline, of course. My obsession with it has grown. With Bryan & OL ...
Anti-Parahosting... Pro-987MB [new]
I went with 987mb.com as my new website host - I'm not disappointed yet :P Although I'l...
Super Ninja Hunter (5) [new]
[img]http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/3314/superninjahunter6zh6.png[/img][i]Swinging ...
Real-Time VS Game-Time [Kilin] [new]
All right, stampede has re-translated my title. LODM shall now be known as...[h3]Kurot...
Juju Answers All Again [new]
French Napalm:Are you queer?No, although I can be pretty girly. Some call it sensitivit...
A Dragon's Tale Update [new]
I thought I'd tell you what I have done this week-I have finished the Cline City NPCs-F...
Its better to watch. [new]
Some simple death animations, wavering grassy fields and improved trees that look less ...
[php] e-mail activatie [new]
HalloHet bedrijf waar ik werk, heeft nogal veel last van e-mails die ze niet willen.Dit...
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Menü am anfang des spiels [new]
Hallo,ich habe ein einfaches pinnballspiel gemacht das man zu zweit an einem computer s...
extrem schlechte fps-rate und Sound-Fehler [new]
HiEs scheint so, als würde bei mir jedes GM-Spiel(über .gmk) mit etwa 2fps laufen, bi...
Flash problem. [new]
Hallo liebe Commu.Ich habe seid ein paar Tagen etwas entdeckt...ICQ, YouTube und co sag...
Job Börse [new]
Hallo liebe User.Ich habe dieses Thema geöffnet um Arbeitsuchenden oder Arbeitersuchen...
Probleme mit dem Laden von Sounds [new]
Mein Spiel besteht aus einer größeren Anzahl von Sprites (>50), die geladen werden...
SPRITE soll dem View folgen [new]
Hi, ich stell auch mal wieder ne Frage Aaaaalsooooooooo:Ich weiß, dass es ähnliches ...
onlinestatus prüfen ??? [new]
ich möchte in einem spiel eine online und offline highscore anbieten. in welche man ei...
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Rpg Tips/examples/scripts Etc [new]
i have uploaded an example, - Posted by Nori
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
How To Submit Tutorials [new]
READ THIS: Requirements for Submitting.* - Posted by KC LC
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Sparkengine V1.01 **updated** [new]
**OVER 150 DOWNLOADS** - Posted by kristian221
Finding The Center Of Mass [new]
Of a 2d Uniform Body - Posted by Qwertyman
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 250 DOWNLOADS** - Posted by kristian221
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 300 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
Realtime Soft Shadows
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Finding The Center Of Mass
Of a 2d Uniform Body - Posted by Qwertyman
Multiplayer Example
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Rpg Tips/examples/scripts Etc
i have uploaded an example, - Posted by Nori

Tuesday, 4 March

wat is het eerste spel van dat ooit gemaakt is? [new]
ey, nou de titel zegt het al...wat is het eerste spel dat ooit gemaakt is
poer 81 [new]
Hoe maak je port 81 open?
fout in score pagina (php) [new]
Hallo,Om bij mijn spel Braineater Deluxe de scores te weergeven (zoals hier) gebruik ik...
It’s March…Happy Birthday to YoYo Games…..and 100,000 registered users !! [new]
….well sort of…….The first website went live in February last year. ...
GMC Registration Problems [new]
Lovely, the GMC admins have just realised that an error in their almost-3-years-old scr...
How To Submit Tutorials [new]
READ THIS: Requirements for Submitting.* - Posted by KC LC
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
fast ip op linux [new]
voor een webserver wil ik wat expirimenteren maar hoe maak ik een vast ip op linux? (st...
YoYo: "in-game advertenties met deling van inkomsten definitief" [new]
Binnen minstens twee tot drie maanden zal een systeem worden opgezet waardoor spellen o...
Hail Caesar [new]
Hail Caesar! Find and arrest the conspirators before they assassinate you. Heed the vis...
First Person Shooter - Gegner Grafiken? [new]
Hallo Community, Kennt hier vielleicht einer eine Seite, auf der Zombie oder Gegner im ...
AlienFly -Demo- [new]
Hallo Leute!Ich bin gerade dabei ein neues Spiel zu programmieren mit dem Titel AlienFl...
collision+path [new]
hallo, ich hab ein problem mit place_meeting.mit diesem code ...
Transparentbarkeit [new]
Hallo liebe community,Ich habe ein kleines und peinliches Problem ich hab eine Sprite g...
Benachbarte Felder überprüfen [new]
Also, mein Problem ist folgendes:Das obj_gamer steht auf einem 32x32 großen Objekt nam...
Chatty Messenger [new]
hi leutehab nen klein chat gebastelt und den in den gm gesteckt. einfach namen eingeben...
Naar welk festival/concert gaan jullie? [new]
Ik ben wel benieuwd naar welk festival jullie gaan?Ik ga naar dauwpop(festival), en R.E...
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Destructible Terrain [new]
How to make destructible Terrain - Posted by grabeorama
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files [new]
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Inauguran en Alemania la mayor feria de alta tecnología del mundo [new]
Noticia enviada por LegendarFuente: http://noticias.prodigy.msn.com/Landing.aspx?cp-doc...
Shush [new]
Arcade Puzzle Game. Feed the worms to the matching birds to get a little shush. Simple ...
It’s March…Happy Birthday to YoYo Games…..and 100,000 registered users !!
….well sort of…….The first website went live in February last year. ...
How To Submit Tutorials
READ THIS: Requirements for Submitting.* - Posted by KC LC
GMC Registration Problems
Lovely, the GMC admins have just realised that an error in their almost-3-years-old scr...
YoYo: "in-game advertenties met deling van inkomsten definitief"
Binnen minstens twee tot drie maanden zal een systeem worden opgezet waardoor spellen o...
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*)
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Arcade Puzzle Game. Feed the worms to the matching birds to get a little shush. Simple ...
Hail Caesar
Hail Caesar! Find and arrest the conspirators before they assassinate you. Heed the vis...
Inauguran en Alemania la mayor feria de alta tecnología del mundo
Noticia enviada por LegendarFuente: http://noticias.prodigy.msn.com/Landing.aspx?cp-doc...
Inauguran en Alemania la mayor feria de alta tecnolog?a del mundo
Noticia enviada por LegendarFuente: http://noticias.prodigy.msn.com/Landing.aspx?cp-doc...
YoYo: "in-game advertenties met deling van inkomsten definitief"
Binnen minstens twee tot drie maanden zal een systeem worden opgezet waardoor spellen o...

Wednesday, 5 March

transparante achtergrond bij een film [new]
Weet iemand een programma die de achtergrond van mijn filmpje transparant kan maken, zo...
an8 > obj of 3ds [new]
he hoi allemaal,ik zoek een progje waarmee je een .an8 file kunt omzetten in een .obj o...
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
ubuntu [new]
hey, ik heb een computer met daarin de ubuntu CD da werk allemaal zoals het hoortmaar z...
[JS] Soepele animatie [new]
Hallo,In javascript wil ik een soepele animatie maken. Ik heb een background in een div...
[html] tabel aan de linkerkant maar een stuk of 15-20 pixels van links af [new]
mischien maak ik veel topics aan weet niet of `t mag maar....nou de titel zegt `t al ik...
[javascript/php/html] bewegende tekst [new]
hoe maak je net zo een tekst als `t voorbeeld van deze site? http://www.webhelpje.nl/in...
[html] ruimte tussen borders [new]
zoals je kan zien bij deze site is er ruimte tussen de banner en de anderen table er zi...
Probarán videojuegos de control mental [new]
CitarLos videojuegos telepáticos ya tienen precio y fecha...La compañía califo...
Minesweeper Extreme - 9.3 [new]
Bored of windows Minesweeper? Cant make big enough fields with it? Not enough violence ...
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
every line of code is commented!! - Posted by blobstah
Destructible Terrain [new]
How to make destructible Terrain - Posted by grabeorama
Mmorpg Engine [new]
Unlimited players in an online game - Posted by Dangerous_Dave
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Car Physics [new]
Check It Out! - Posted by cpsgames
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files [new]
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Minesweeper Extreme - 9.1 [new]
Bored of windows Minesweeper? Cant make big enough fields with it? Not enough violence ...
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
Simple Saving System By Grabnar
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Minesweeper Extreme - 9.1
Bored of windows Minesweeper? Cant make big enough fields with it? Not enough violence ...
Probarán videojuegos de control mental
CitarLos videojuegos telepáticos ya tienen precio y fecha...La compañía califo...
Probar?n videojuegos de control mental
CitarLos videojuegos telep?ticos ya tienen precio y fecha...La compa??a californiana Em...

Thursday, 6 March

GDCSE’08 [new]
The last five days I participated in GDCSE’08, a conference on using game develop...
www.joepk.nl [new]
Beste,Ik heb mijn site online staan:http://www.joepk.nlHet is eigenlijk mijn eerste sit...
ik zoek een lettertype! [new]
Ik zoek een lettertype, namelijk deze:http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/2261/80328602g...
[Javascript/HTML] vreemd probleem bij veranderen van url [new]
Hoi,Bij de knoppen van mijn site wil ik dat de url wordt aangepast. Daarvoor heb ik het...
YoYo to go Instant Play only [new]
YoYo Games plan to do away with the download option on their website, and instead only ...
YoYo to go Instant Play only [new]
YoYo Games planned to do away with the download option on their website, and instead on...
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
FireFox Compatible [new]
Wie is er goed in .css bestanden firefox compatible maken? Als er iemand wil helpen, gr...
NickAudio - Music Player [new]
Hee daar! Ik heb een leuke Muziek Speler in elkaar gezet, en die is te vinden op mijn w...
[C++] Probleem met rekenmachine [new]
Ik ben sinds vandaag begonnen aan een rekenmachine, het was vrij eenvoudig, maar ik loo...
stroom prijs [new]
ik heb ff gedacht..... (zou je niet denken he )maar eh.... stel je hebt een server he m...
MacOS vragen [new]
1. Waar kan ik Monitor Control Panel downloaden voor Macintosh 7.5.3 (Revision 2) ?2. W...
Superior? Maybe. [new]
Uh-oh, it’s another one of my blogs incased in my superiority. Phazon Yoshi said my bl...
Scientology ftb, Anonymous ftw [new]
[youtube]JCbKv9yiLiQ&autoplay=1[/youtube]The above sums up what should have been do...
TW - ister [new]
Tuesday evening.The internet connection failed, preventing me from finishing up the las...
Desert Strike: Revisited?? [new]
I lost the source a looooong time ago,but just found it...So, since this is the first g...
Super Ninja Hunter Demo 1 [new]
The demo has arrived. Download it. Complete it and comment.http://www.thepoppenkast.com...
United States America [new]
Guess what?In a week i'll be in Florida and eating Dunkin donuts =DUntil then, Cookies ...
Updaticious [new]
Yippies, my first blog.Anyways, lately I've been facing a slowdown with my work... bein...
join 64d irc [new]
for realit needs more peopleirc.astrolink.org#64digitsif you don't know how to connect ...
Greetings 64D [new]
Hi all, I am an indie game developer working on most of my main projects at the moment....
[DSG] - Crimson Star UPDATE [new]
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
every line of code is commented!! - Posted by blobstah
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Destructible Terrain [new]
How to make destructible Terrain - Posted by grabeorama
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Car Physics [new]
Check It Out! - Posted by cpsgames
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
View Auto Zoom, Like Super Smash Bros [new]
Keep multiple objects always in view - Posted by jabelar
The last five days I participated in GDCSE’08, a conference on using game develop...
YoYo to go Instant Play only
YoYo Games planned to do away with the download option on their website, and instead on...

Friday, 7 March

Belated Arrival + Discussion [new]
Our apologies for the lack of news postings over the past few days. You could say the S...
Destructible Terrain [new]
How to make destructible Terrain - Posted by grabeorama
Car Physics [new]
Check It Out! - Posted by cpsgames
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
Photoshop? [new]
Hoi,Heeft iemand een idee waar je Photoshop kan kopen, hoe duur het is en wat je er all...
Liedjes op volgorde :) [new]
Het werkt zo:Ik geef nu een liedje van een artiest:Eiffel 65 - Move Your BodyNu gaan ju...
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
[Muziek] Geen naam. [new]
Hallo ik heb een muziekje gemaakt met guitarpro 5, het is midi dus geen mooie effecten ...
game site naam.... [new]
ik zoek een naam voor een game site..... ik heb zelf er weinig inspiriatie of heb gewoo...
php gastenboek met plaatjes [new]
ik wil op m`n nieuwe site een soort van gastenboek maken ten eerste met beveiligings co...
[html] background niet herhalen [new]
ik gebruik voor een background in tabellen background="plaatje.png" maar dan ...
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Cronotek TDS-Engine [new]
Cronotek TDS-Engine is a flexible and easy-to-use engine for creating Top-Down Shooter ...
Adiós, Gary. [new]
La mañana del 4 de Marzo de 2008, Gary Gygax, el diseñador de juegos que inventÃ...
Recopilación de conferencias [new]
Recopilación de conferencias sobre desarrollo en la universidad de Oviedo, incluidas...
Drop Down Menu Example [new]
Or more commonly known as a combo box - Posted by Lycondone
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 180+ downloads - Posted by franchise
Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 225+ downloads - Posted by franchise
Cronotek TDS-Engine - 8.2 [new]
Cronotek TDS-Engine is a flexible and easy-to-use engine for creating Top-Down Shooter ...
Belated Arrival + Discussion
Our apologies for the lack of news postings over the past few days. You could say the S...
Cronotek TDS-Engine - 8.2
Cronotek TDS-Engine is a flexible and easy-to-use engine for creating Top-Down Shooter ...
Adiós, Gary.
La mañana del 4 de Marzo de 2008, Gary Gygax, el diseñador de juegos que inventÃ...
Recopilación de conferencias
Recopilación de conferencias sobre desarrollo en la universidad de Oviedo, incluidas...
Adi?s, Gary.
La ma?ana del 4 de Marzo de 2008, Gary Gygax, el dise?ador de juegos que invent? los ju...
Recopilaci?n de conferencias
Recopilaci?n de conferencias sobre desarrollo en la universidad de Oviedo, incluidas en...

Saturday, 8 March

Lego versnellingsbak [new]
Ik probeer even iets te vinden om het weekend door te komen, dus ik dacht:Laat ik een a...
goed FPS spel [new]
Hallo,Ik ben op zoek naar een goed first person shooter spel dat niet al te duur is (on...
The GMPlanet Effect [new]
A month on from the launch of game maker news aggregator gmplanet I have decided to exa...
Voetbalstanden BRON [new]
Is er ergens op internet een bron te vinden waar alle voetbalstanden staan. En die vrij...
http://sandervandoesburg.jessed.nl/Games%20site/ [new]
Ik ben bezig met een game site met onderhanden reviews, informatie etc. ik vroeg me af ...
review.php?crysis ofzo iets [new]
ik ben bezig met een game site en op review.php moet je een bepaalde game kunnen kiezen...
The false about Jabby Gay [new]
"YOUR EVIL PLANS ARE THWARTED, JABBY GAY!"-Reincarnation of Big PCBack in the...
[TWIN]StickDoom [new]
http://64digits.com/users/Twinsoul/woot.gm6I got bored and made tis little project. Use...
Sick, Sick, Sicks [new]
When everyone's infectedand no one's left aliveAll you've got around youis sicks, sicks...
RPG Tutorial [new]
Hah. Gotcha. This isn't an RPG tutorial. But by commenting you can have one.First thoug...
The truth about Gabby Jay [new]
[img]http://64digits.com/users/Snakeman/gabbyjay.png[/img]"YOUR EVIL PLANS ARE THW...
Brawlin' tomorrow [new]
I don’t know what the heck I did to yesterday’s blog, but whatever it was, I’m not g...
Fishin Results [new]
Hi everyone, i'm still at the motel but I found out they had internet so I got on. We g...
Audio surfing [new]
http://youtube.com/watch?v=lkw_mQgCZ2ERick rolled on audio surf =PI downloaded audiosur...
Dead Man's Hill Teaser/Trailer [new]
[h2]Announcing....The Teaser/Trailer for Dead Man's Hill! [/h2]http://youtube.com/watch...
Politieacties as Zondag [new]
As zondag zijn diverse topwedstrijden als PSV-AJAX en AZ-Feyenoord afgelast. Dit alles ...
speciaal niveau [new]
Hoi,Het valt me op dat er veel mensen zijn die op het gymnasium of gewoon op het vwo zi...
Verkiezingen USA [new]
Wel duidelijk denk ik wie mag de President van de Verenigde staten worden?Voor diegene ...
stemmingen [new]
Als er nu zou mogen gestemt worden in de politiek waar zou jij dan op stemmen ?ikzelf o...
Vector Based 3d Flight System [new]
The easiest system for emulating flight - Posted by Qwertyman
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 225+ downloads - Posted by franchise
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
Lukearentz's Simple Ascii To Text Example [new]
Convert text to ASCII and back - Posted by Lukearentz
360° Moving Platform V1.1 Gm5.2+ (and Gm6) [new]
the character stay and move with it :9kb - Posted by djrellik
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 230+ downloads - Posted by franchise
The GMPlanet Effect
A month on from the launch of game maker news aggregator gmplanet I have decided to exa...

Sunday, 9 March

Voodoo Child [new]
If you’re reading this, it obviously means you’ve clicked on either my blog or userna...
YoYoGames.com is worth $696,640 [new]
Many of you have probably seen people trying to flog off third-rate domain names claimi...
Dingen verslepen met html [new]
Hoe kun je dingen verslepen met html de code bedoel Ik..
[BF2]Lage ping maar het spel stotterd [new]
Sinds kort als ik in een server zit, en ik beweeg mn muis of wat dan ook, hij stotterd ...
Vertaling [new]
Heej kan iemand dit voor me vertalen kan niet goed engels:http://gmc.yoyogames.com/inde...
Image veranderen [new]
Hey kan iemand uitleggen hoe je zoiets doet als http://www.pokeplushies.com/?Ik bedoel ...
php code voor soort puntentelling [new]
weet iemand een code voor dat je op een een knop druk dat er een punt er bij komt in de...
Desperate Decompilers [new]
I’m sure you are all well aware of the decompiler that has recently come out. If ...
Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
Easy Rain Effect [new]
Create Realistic Rain In GM7 Lite! - Posted by Vicious Turtle Games
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
How To Create An Online Game Without A Router [new]
This will help alot of people. - Posted by acevampire
360° Moving Platform V1.1 Gm5.2+ (and Gm6) [new]
the character stay and move with it :9kb - Posted by djrellik
The song with an end (muziek(duh song is altijd muziek)) [new]
Ik heb een liedje gemaakt en dit is de link maar ik weet niet wat ik verder moet zeggen...
Engine demonstration [new]
Ok so I have just finished creating a short demo which show cases a rotational engine t...
Brawl Friend Codes [new]
Alright, yes, this is an incredibly short blog. Pretty much everyone who has brawl post...
[F13] Page Changes [new]
[h1]F1ak3r's Weekly Weblog – Sunday 9 March 2008[/h1]It's me, F1ak3r, with yet another...
website schuift een stukje op bij een bepaalde site [new]
ik heb een site maar als ik op een review klik verschuift m`n pagina iets naar links en...
Wii® Starter [new]
Vind jij dat Wii-Menu ook zo leuk? Probeer dan eens mijn Wii-Starter! Het is bijvoorbee...
Poly's live [new]
Let's try this out, eh?http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-from-the-ussrAlso:So I'm redo...
It's AWESOME [new]
Remember yesterday’s blog? [quote]if the title is ‘It’s AWESOME’, then you know I g...
Severe Weather Alert [new]
---STORM--- [quote]Issued at 08 March 2008 - 08:48SEVERE WEATHER ALERTAn intense Atlant...
ssb BRAWL +fc's [new]
So, My bro just got the game (cause i can care less for nintendo), and there are a lot ...
Brawling [Kilin] [new]
So yeah, Brawl tourney last night. I was one of the first to be knocked out, but meh. ...
Brawl Friend Codes [new]
Since this blog needed more content, I'll post a couple of updates to my programs:The a...
gm-d.de Forumssuche unterstützt OpenSearch [new]
Aufgrund der Bitte von RoFra bin ich mal einigen Informationen über OpenSearch nachgeg...
Fitna The Movie [new]
Fitna The Movie is de film van Geert Wilders. Wat vinden jullieervan? Ik ben zeer benie...
echt een vette game (actie, shooter) [new]
ik heb laatst een 8800gt gekocht maar heb eigenlijk nog helemaal geen echte goede game ...
Wii® Starter [new]
Vind jij dat Wii-Menu ook zo leuk? Probeer dan eens mijn Wii-Starter! Het is bijvoorbee...
Oh Noes! [new]
Not really oh noes, acctualy oh yes.Alright I though my page was a little, how should I...
It's AWESOME (Pics of Samus in a THONG!) [new]
Remember yesterday’s blog? [quote]if the title is ‘It’s AWESOME’, then you know I g...
Engine demonstration~fixed link [new]
Ok so I have just finished creating a short demo which show cases a rotational engine t...
[muziek]The song with an end [new]
Ik heb een liedje gemaakt en dit is de link maar ik weet niet wat ik verder moet zeggen...
Vector Based 3d Flight System [new]
The easiest system for emulating flight - Posted by Qwertyman
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 230+ downloads - Posted by franchise
Platform, Maze, And Top-down Shooter Example [new]
A 3 in 1 example - Posted by pngnman
Level Editor Example [new]
Requires very basic file knowledge - Posted by Fede-lasse
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Mini Tutorial On How To Apply Ini Files [new]
Make your own examples with ini files - Posted by Weird Dragon
Cool Flies 3: Flying Even Cooler! [new]
"nice" example/tutorial - 250+ downloads - Posted by franchise
Zyousbox - 5.8 [new]
A quick shmup in which you must shoot the native robots while using your jetpack to fly...
Musik viel zu groß :( [new]
Abend.Ich hab ein Problem mit meiner Musik. Eigentlich ist die Hintergrund-Musik ja rec...
Problem bei bewegung [new]
Ich habe ein Problem ich bin ein Pokemon Spiel am machen aber wenn man z.B. nach links ...
Game Maker Seite [new]
Ich hatte mal eine Seite im Internet gefunden da waren alle Code efehle drinnen, in deu...
hoch und runter in 3d [new]
hi,wie kann ich machen das mein object im 3d hoch und runter schweben kann?maxda
gm-d.de Forumssuche unterstützt OpenSearch [new]
Aufgrund der Bitte von RoFra bin ich mal einigen Informationen über OpenSearch nachgeg...
Server gesucht [new]
hiho ich würd die nächste Stufe eines meiner Games gerne als Client-Servergame progra...
GM 7 Radar gesucht [new]
HiHich suche ein gutes Radar script. Eines mit auswahlrahmen. Dh. wenn man auf oder in ...
browser DLL - Navigationsleistenproblem [new]
Hallo Leute!Ich benutze die browser DLL und habe folgendes Problem:Ich gebe in der Navi...
YoYoGames.com is worth $696,640
Many of you have probably seen people trying to flog off third-rate domain names claimi...
Desperate Decompilers
I’m sure you are all well aware of the decompiler that has recently come out. If ...
gm-d.de Forumssuche unterstützt OpenSearch
Aufgrund der Bitte von RoFra bin ich mal einigen Informationen über OpenSearch nachgeg...
Zyousbox - 5.8
A quick shmup in which you must shoot the native robots while using your jetpack to fly...

Monday, 10 March

External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Mini Tutorial On How To Apply Ini Files [new]
Make your own examples with ini files - Posted by Weird Dragon
NickOnline MineSweeper [new]
Mijnenveger altijd een grappig spelletje gevonden? Download dan ook eens de NickOnline-...
Worst GameMaker video tutorial? [new]
Low quality screen recording (1 fps?!), large watermark obscuring content…Althoug...
Spellen programmeren voor de NDS [new]
Een vriend van mij is een NDS hacker, en hij vroeg mij, of ik wist hoe je eigen spellen...
[Gezocht] Site met alle voetbal teams en -spelers (+ posities). [new]
Ik ben met zo iets bezig als Online Soccer Manager en nou ben ik op zoek naar een site,...
Website voor jou op maat [new]
Hey,Om even te beginnen is dit eigenlijk alleen voor de lol en ben ik geen pro scripter...
Dual screen minimaliseren weghalen? [new]
Heey, ik heb al best wel lang 2 schermen aan gesloten, maar ik erger me er nog altijd a...
Oude spellen die je stiekem nog wel spelen wilt [new]
ik zag dat topic over je eerste game, en toen kwamer er games voorbij  Leek me wel...
Outlook Express loopt niet door [new]
Hey,Ik heb al een tijdje het probleem dat mn Outlook Express niet doorloopt, hij stopt ...
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Adventures [new]
[IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k121/tylerweiss0/titlescreencopy.jpg[/IMG]I have...
From the depths of the sea [new]
[b]... back to the blog[/b]The person that recognizes the reference in the title gets.....
Download My Brawl Stages [new]
This isn't going to be a very big blog, but I didn't have time to write one today. Here...
Sk8 has a webcam?²³ [new]
Yeah my UStream channel is getting pretty lonely, so join it, I can insult you with my ...
Admission [new]
Two weeks ago I had an admisison test for the engineering school of the UCV, eh, a univ...
A poem? D: [new]
[b]Belief Poem[/b]What is belief?Just a stem on a leaf?A less regarded pattern of life,...
[A] Sunday Bloody Sunday [new]
[b]Blog title[/b]-Apart from being the song I'm currently listening to, It has to do mo...
Rez has a webcam? [new]
REZ 2 PROGRESS OMG[i]Finished so far[/i]:-Attacking (with sword and/or lightning) -Enem...
Signal to Noise Ratio [new]
Judging from the title, you may or may not know that I have been spending a bit of time...
Click the blog under this [new]
|..........||..........| Put this in your|..........| blog if you have|........O| ever ...
Vote Rigging [new]
Vote rigging - the act of deliberately falsifying the results of a poll or contestVote ...
ARGH! Two days ago, my computer got a virus, so I had to purge my computer! Luckily, I ...
Platform, Maze, And Top-down Shooter Example [new]
A 3 in 1 example - Posted by pngnman
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Accelerate Draw_text [new]
and fix cleartype as a bonus - Posted by icuurd12b42
Question Box / Menu Script [new]
Script+GMK example included - Posted by templargfx
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Custom Window [new]
Without DLL - Posted by Revel
Lukearentz's Simple Light Source V2 [new]
Novice Level Lighting - Posted by Lukearentz
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files [new]
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Brain in a Jar (Updated) [new]
Updated -- with keyboard controls rather than mouse and a few bug fixes. You are a brai...
Musik ändern, bei nächsten Level, Codes herausfinden, Augen folgen Cursor [new]
Abend, ich mal wieder Ich hab mal 3 Fragen.1) Ich versuche gerade mich mit Codes zu bef...
Sichtfeld [new]
hallo ich hab in ein paar spielen z.B. auch bei "Space Rampage" gesehen das m...
Simple Platform Engine [new]
Orginal: >copyboys Forum<Dort ist übrigens auch ein Hilfe-Teil zu finden.Simple ...
Anim8tor auf Vista [new]
Ich hab heut (in irgendeinem Thema hier) gelesen, dass man mit Anim8tor und MarzipanGam...
Problem mit Milkshape 3d und der "GMmd2.dll" [new]
Nachdem ich einige .dll's im Berreich 3d für den Gamemaker ausprobiert habe, bin ich a...
Lineridergame [new]
Also ich hab da ein großes problem. Ich kann bei meinem spiel lienien zeichnen. Wie ma...
Worst GameMaker video tutorial?
Low quality screen recording (1 fps?!), large watermark obscuring content…Althoug...
Vote Rigging
Vote rigging - the act of deliberately falsifying the results of a poll or contestVote ...
Brain in a Jar (Updated)
Updated -- with keyboard controls rather than mouse and a few bug fixes. You are a brai...
UPDATE: date_format(format,datetime)
Feb 21, 2008 - xot adds ISO 8601, RFC 2822, and character escaping functionality
UPDATE: date_format(format,datetime)
Feb 21, 2008 - xot adds ISO 8601, RFC 2822, and character escaping functionality
UPDATE: date_format(format,datetime)
Feb 21, 2008 - xot adds ISO 8601, RFC 2822, and character escaping functionality

Tuesday, 11 March

BF Virtual Machine and Interpreter
The turing-complete programming language often bowdlerized as brainfsck was created in ...
nnen we geen po...
BF Virtual Machine and Interpreter [new]
The turing-complete programming language often bowdlerized as brainfsck was created in ...
{Red} A new layout [new]
[B]Introduction[/B]You probably noticed that I didn’t pre-write yesterday’s blog due ...
New Guy [new]
OK, so I am new to 64Digits (as a poster of games at least) and thought I should mark m...
[2d] Karoshi 2? [new]
HiJust posting to keep this blog alive. I don't have a lot of interesting news this tim...
Decreased Expectations [new]
I'm noticing a very annoying trend in the community lately. This being that a growing a...
[XY] My newest attention grabber. [new]
That is right! I have picked up a new pathetic attempt to get all of your attention!ANI...
Kilin has a Webcam? [new]
No, Kilin does not have a webcam, much to the dismay of Obelisk. He does have a broadc...
[DSG] Crimson DEMO [new]
[em]DEMO///[/em]As I've said, There will be a demo. However, It'll be one of those &quo...
... Crummie Weekend [new]
Yes yes, I know its Tuesday and the weekend was quite a while ago, but I had a very ver...
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Question Box / Menu Script [new]
Script+GMK example included - Posted by templargfx
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Stats Graph [new]
Poliangular graph used in RPGs - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Accelerate Draw_text [new]
and fix cleartype as a bonus - Posted by icuurd12b42
Custom Window [new]
Without DLL - Posted by Revel
How Do I Make A Timer? [new]
Easy solution - Posted by Ultimate
Lukearentz's Simple Light Source V2 [new]
Novice Level Lighting - Posted by Lukearentz
Three(or More With Some Editing) Save/load Files [new]
Very easy to use! - Posted by gymnastdaniel5
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Simple Saving System By Grabnar [new]
2 scrpits and easily expandable! - Posted by grabnar
Kia jah [new]
This is the second worst game I have ever finished.Includes:-Button Mashing-Undodgeable...
VERPLAATST: Website voor jou op maat [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Websites.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=3441.0
GM 7 splitscrean [new]
Hallo ich hätte da mal 2 Fragen.1:Ist es möglich mit dem Gamemacer auch Spiele mit Sp...
EgyptoFlip [new]
EgyptoFlip ist mein Beitrag für den aktuellen Yoyogames-Contest zum Thema Ancient Civi...
Zaubern [new]
HalloIch weiss nicht ganz ob diese Frage in diesem Teil des Forums reingehört also ent...
logischer zusammenprall [new]
hallo,ich wollt mal fragen, wie ich das machen soll, dass wenn ich mit nem auto mit ver...
Eine Monsterart, aber 2 Paths [new]
Ich mal wieder Ich hab da ein Problem mit Monstern. Ich habe eine Monsterart, aber 2 st...
In Richtung Maus schießen, Geschoss ausrichten [new]
Hi,ich möchte, das mei Charakter in Richtung Maus "schießt". Das ist das Ge...
GM - D Games Homepage [new]
VorwortIch hatte da mal so eine Eingebung, eine Idee. Es ist doch herrlich das sich hie...
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
** CLOSED, BAD LINK ** - Posted by Schyler
BF Virtual Machine and Interpreter
The turing-complete programming language often bowdlerized as brainfsck was created in ...
Kia jah
This is the second worst game I have ever finished.Includes:-Button Mashing-Undodgeable...
UPDATE: turn_toward_direction(direction,turnspeed)
Mar 10, 2008 - DarksideX fixes a major bug
UPDATE: turn_toward_direction(direction,turnspeed)
Mar 10, 2008 - DarksideX fixes a major bug
UPDATE: turn_toward_direction(direction,turnspeed)
Mar 10, 2008 - DarksideX fixes a major bug

Wednesday, 12 March

I'm throwing my hat into the ring! [new]
Attention 64digits: I am here to make an announcement on epic proportions.[b]I HAVE DEC...
Choices, choices! [new]
I'm getting tired of not getting anything done for games. I would start one project, th...
Stats Graph [new]
Poliangular graph used in RPGs - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Accelerate Draw_text [new]
and fix cleartype as a bonus - Posted by icuurd12b42
How Do I Make A Timer? [new]
Easy solution - Posted by Ultimate
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
Hello [new]
Hello.My name is Jeff. I have brought myself for show and tell today. I am a spriter an...
Conflict: Online BETA! [new]
[423] WHY CAN'T I GET BRAWL? [new]
More Brawl Talk [new]
[b][color=red]INTRODUCTION[/color][/b]Today is a new day, a bright and sunny day where ...
f(x) ; RPG screens : VP [new]
x 2 3 4 5 6f(x) 1 3 6 10 15Kudos to anyone who derives the fu...
gm 3D or U3D? U3D right? [new]
I lately spent allot of time on the 3D race game: indoor racing. it's getting pretty go...
Lots of Text+PLatformed On Air! [new]
Sorry, I wasn't drunk or anything, but I was seriously delusional.My head has been kill...
It's been far too long. [new]
I've really ignored GM for what, like maybe a year now. Life is busy, I found other in...
Debriz [new]
Debriz is a game I've been working on for 1 year so far trying to tweak up the graphics...
... Damnit! [new]
Los jugones prefieren otras actividades a los videojuegos [new]
La consultora NPD, responsable de publicar las listas de ventas en EE.UU., ha hecho pÃ...
Hoe pak jij het maken van websites aan? [new]
Hoe pak jij het maken van websites aan? Iedere webdeveloper doet het anders, maar hoe p...
perl script in cmd [new]
elke keer als ik een perl script probeer op te starten met cmd vraagt hij om een progra...
Het grote progsel-abc [new]
In dit topic is het de bedoeling dat je de naam van een programma post, met de letter d...
computer opruimen [new]
mijn hardeschijven staan helemaal vol met rommel maar ik weet niet waar de grote bestan...
filezilla eindigt verbinding met server na 300 sec. [new]
elke keer als ik met m`n website bezig ben moet ik veel testen maar elke keer als ik wa...
[muziek]Goniometric [new]
Hallo mensen, ik heb een liedje gemaakt. En ik weet eindelijk hoe automation channels w...
.nl.tt domein stuurt door naar verkeerde pagina [new]
Ik heb bij joynic een domein aangemaakt, en hij moet naar members.lycos.nl/timwing/Home...
flash banner in onderschrift [new]
hallo,ik heb een flash banner gemaakt, maar hoe zet ik m nu in mijn onderschrift?alvast...
[PHP] Hoe php opslaan? [new]
Nou mijn probleem: ik doe sinds kort ook een beetje php, ik doe alles in kladblok, maar...
S.K.A.T.E. xbox 360 2D Kopie [new]
Halli Hallo,ich hab letzte Woche ein neues Spiel kennengelernt (Skate fuer Xbox 360)Die...
GM ERROR [new]
Ich hab da mal ne frage... Jedes mal (wirklich jedes mal!!!) wenn ich meinen GM start...
Im Umkreis [new]
Hi.Ich hatte vor ein 3D-Spiel zu erstellen und wollte dort etwas machen. Da das für mi...
Aktuelle Uhrzeit direkt vom System abfragen [new]
Jojo hab ma wieder ein Problem Und zwar möchte ich ein Geheimnis (Naja isses jez ja ni...
instance_nearest [new]
Hallöle!Ein Problem, das immer wieder auftaucht, ist das mit instance_nearest. Schreib...
GM 7 Tabellen (Open Office / Excel) auslesen? [new]
Ich hatte jetzt die Suchfunktion benutzt und nix wirklich Gescheites gefunden (Gesucht ...
Pokemon Enegie [new]
Hallo, sorry wenn die Frage doof ist aber hat jemand eine Pokemon Enegie?? Weil ich bin...
Paintspiel Problem [new]
Ich hab ein großes Problem, Ich hab da mein Spiel, da kann man zeichnen, und immer wen...
Lukearentz's Simple Light Source V2 [new]
Novice Level Lighting - Posted by Lukearentz
Platform Ai [new]
Simple and Effective - Posted by Crispy
Textbox Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Stats Graph [new]
Poliangular graph used in RPGs - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
How Do I Make A Timer? [new]
Easy solution - Posted by Ultimate
Weird Picture-forming Pixels [new]
A bunch of pixels form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Picture-forming Pixels (revised) [new]
A bunch of picture pieces form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Simple Room To Room [new]
Get your player where he is going! - Posted by Silvess
Fake 3d Physics Example
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Accelerate Draw_text
and fix cleartype as a bonus - Posted by icuurd12b42
Textbox Tutorial
Posted by drazzke
Simple Room To Room
Get your player where he is going! - Posted by Silvess
Los jugones prefieren otras actividades a los videojuegos
La consultora NPD, responsable de publicar las listas de ventas en EE.UU., ha hecho pÃ...
Los jugones prefieren otras actividades a los videojuegos
La consultora NPD, responsable de publicar las listas de ventas en EE.UU., ha hecho p?b...
!!THIS IS ONLY A DEMO VERSION!! i made his on fl studio. if you want to u...

Thursday, 13 March

GM 6 problem mit objekten [new]
hallo,ich habe gestern mal wieder den gm hervrogekramt und an meinem projekt weitergear...
[php] mijn baggere preg's [new]
[code]<?php $message="<b>test</b> <i>test</i> <...
THE HANGOVER (an art game) [new]
THE HANGOVER (an art game)[b]hello[/b]This "game" lets you go trough each sta...
64Brawl Again? [new]
Let's get right into the main topic, shall we? Due to many complaints of my postponing...
online pokemon [new]
Hey mensen weet niej of ik het goede topic heb gekozen maar is het een goed idee om sam...
vage tekst aan het einde van een liedje [new]
aan het einde van het liedje Bouncing Ball van Aphex Twin hoor je iemand zeggen: "...
hulp voor nieuw spel [new]
heyik wil graag een nieuw spel of iets anders op mijn site. Maar ik heb zelf geen iddee...
Wat vinden jullie van Thoomas.nl [new]
hey;)Sinds kort staat mijn nieuwe layout online. Willen jullie laten weten wat jullie e...
[php] Shoutbox [new]
Nou ik zag de shoutbox van ick-in-noot en toen vroeg ik me af, hoe maak je zoiets?! Ik ...
[C++] als een varriable niet 1 of 2 is dat weet terug naar `t menu [1e dag C++] [new]
ik ben een soort quiz aan `t maken maar je moet dan in het menu bijv 1 typen om de quiz...
Bye (the way) [new]
Vous avez du vous en rendre compte, je ne suis plus du tout présent depuis quelques ...
F1u [new]
I havent blogged in a really long time. Not like any of you care really, nor does it ma...
Confusion [new]
Ok, I have been playing Brawl an unhealthy amount. So much fun! I have every character,...
Web design.. Can someone set it up? [new]
Hey guys, recently I've been working on some random stuff for Lex.. Enemies, tiles, bac...
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
Lukearentz's Simple Light Source V2 [new]
Novice Level Lighting - Posted by Lukearentz
Platform Ai [new]
Simple and Effective - Posted by Crispy
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Question Box / Menu Script [new]
Script+GMK example included - Posted by templargfx
Stats Graph [new]
Poliangular graph used in RPGs - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Picture-forming Pixels (revised) [new]
A bunch of picture pieces form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
How Do I Make A Timer? [new]
Easy solution - Posted by Ultimate
Tank Handling Tutorial, Tank With Turret, Part: I [new]
6.1 reg. Mostly for novice users, GML - Posted by Acegikmo
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 300 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
How To Do Some Nice Custom Gui... [new]
Buttons and scrollbars for your games! - Posted by Potnop
Bye (the way)
Vous avez du vous en rendre compte, je ne suis plus du tout présent depuis quelques ...
Bye (the way)
Vous avez du vous en rendre compte, je ne suis plus du tout présent depuis quelques ...
Bye (the way)
Vous avez du vous en rendre compte, je ne suis plus du tout présent depuis quelques ...
Bye (the way)
Vous avez du vous en rendre compte, je ne suis plus du tout présent depuis quelques ...

Friday, 14 March

Tank Handling Tutorial, Tank With Turret, Part: I [new]
6.1 reg. Mostly for novice users, GML - Posted by Acegikmo
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 300 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
How To Do Some Nice Custom Gui... [new]
Buttons and scrollbars for your games! - Posted by Potnop
GMC In meltdown [new]
Something is wrong at the GMC.In recent weeks there have been registration problems, r...
REZCAST #2 [new]
REZ 2 PROGRESS OMGFinished so far:-Attacking (with sword and/or lightning) -Enemy movem...
Brawlog [new]
Yes, so brawl. Yes.It's a nice game.The Subspace Emissary is a pretty nice feature of t...
Starcraft II Zerg & other stuff [new]
Lets get the boring bits out of the way first.Did a bunch of pixels for my game project...
Kirby Rap & Maniac Mansion [new]
Honestly, this gives epic lulz:[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXzg0D-cKds[/you...
... Quite Random [new]
[center]She's RowdyShe's roughI think she's had enough...[/center] Good morning fellow ...
[DSG] Crimson Star - CHANGES [new]
[em]BIGish NEWS///[/em]Uhm...I deleted the main character. And replaced him. The new on...
Explode [new]
For I have made some music.[url=http://www.box.net/shared/9vtkhgnwg4]Basstest[/url]30 s...
Quick Update on the GMC Forum. [new]
At long last the GMC forum is getting an upgrade (or two). Hopefully next week, (but i...
Advanced Gesture Recognition System Source [new]
I've been too busy with school to work on it, so I've released the source to the curren...
Happy March 14 [new]
Day of everyone's favorite irrational number! (For those of you who are confused, it's ...
DMH&64DigitsInformer 4 Coming Soon [new]
[h2]64DigitsInformer[/h2]Coming soon to a Robineivets near you!With more reviews!More p...
713 [new]
Hey chiefs. I should probably be releasing a game sometime soon. I had gamers block for...
Pancakes! [new]
So, I thought I decided that I would experiment with you by telling you my routine. So,...
1500+ WORDS?! Holy cow! [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]Yesterday I talked about my newest project [color...
Agregado review de Jumper 2 [new]
 Actualizada la seccion de articulos con un review del juego Jumper 2 hecha por mi...
Drop Down Menu Example [new]
Or more commonly known as a combo box - Posted by Lycondone
Pop-up Menu Tutorial [new]
Posted by drazzke
Question Box / Menu Script [new]
Script+GMK example included - Posted by templargfx
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Picture-forming Pixels (revised) [new]
A bunch of picture pieces form a picture - Posted by bobistaken
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
In die Richtung Schiessen in die man leuft [new]
Ich weis dass das schon oft gepostet wurde.Ich habe aber in keinem Post wirklich versta...
Photoshop Fragen [new]
Ich dachte ich erstell einfach mal ein Thema zu Photoshop Fragen. Ich hab nähmlich ein...
Bewegungs-Problem [new]
Ich hab ein Problem bei meinem Spiel. Ich möchte ien Spiel von oben machen, und möcht...
GM 7 Unexpected Error [new]
Hallo,wenn ich mein Spiel starten will, bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung: Unexpected Error...
GMC In meltdown
Something is wrong at the GMC.In recent weeks there have been registration problems, r...
Quick Update on the GMC Forum.
At long last the GMC forum is getting an upgrade (or two). Hopefully next week, (but i...
Agregado review de Jumper 2
 Actualizada la seccion de articulos con un review del juego Jumper 2 hecha por mi...

Saturday, 15 March

Halo Creator 2[you know] [new]
Guess Killpill28?If you did not, shame, you should know about my Halo Creator series!An...
Lawl, Wikipedia [new]
Finger (gesture)In Western cultures, the finger (as in giving someone the finger) is a ...
More beer then blood? [new]
I've been working on various bits of codename:side wars, I've even got a real name for ...
RA - Chiken, noob. [new]
Hi everybody.I haven't touched 64-Digits in a while, just haven't really bothered. Heck...
Ablach Blackrat: Good finds that make you so angry... [new]
So while working on my game, Paper Flight, I discovered something today.  I had co...
een smurf is drie appels hoog [new]
Hallo allemaal! Hier een topic over (jawel) de smurfen! En laat ik maar eens beginnen m...
GM 7 Pro? [new]
Hallo,Ik heb gm7 pro, maar ik heb gehoord dat je hem op drie computers kan installere. ...
[muziek] Console ghost [new]
Ik heb met fl studio een liedje gemaakt. Ik had op internet een paar goeie synths gevon...
[Dance] Kolj - Infernal Violence (club) [new]
Aangezien niemand meer in het muziektopic post en ik het ermee eens ben dat je daar wei...
mijn flyff doet het niet meer [new]
hallo.ik speel nu al een lange tijd flyff en mijn pc kan alles gewoon aan (daar ligt he...
Naam voor lego site [new]
Hallo,Hebben jullie nog een goed idee voor de naam van een website waar je lego creatie...
GMC: Complete Revamp [new]
As a result of many on-going discussions, suggestions, and complaints from the communit...
Drop Down Menu Example [new]
Or more commonly known as a combo box - Posted by Lycondone
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
Split-screen + Control Screen Tutorial [new]
without objects floating above players - Posted by Delta 04
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**OVER 300 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
GMC: 20 updates, YoYo-layout & nieuwe server [new]
Over ongeveer een week zal het officiële Engelstalige Game Maker-forum flink onder h...
Drop Down Menu Example [new]
Or more commonly known as a combo box - Posted by Lycondone
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Split-screen + Control Screen Tutorial [new]
without objects floating above players - Posted by Delta 04
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**NOW OVER 400 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Inventory Example [new]
Dropping, "looting", Not drag and drop - Posted by Revel
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
39dll problem und komme nicht weiter [new]
könnte sich einer bitte mal mein 39dll projekt ansehn? ich hab keine ahnung was der fe...
Path wird nicht gestartet [new]
Ich hatte noch nie ein Problem mit Path, aber irgendwie funktioniert das nicht:Ich habe...
2.Fragen [new]
Hallo Ich hab mal wieder Fragen. 1.Wie kann man denn mit der Lit Version der Game Maker...
gegner schiest in richtung des spielers [new]
irgend wo hab ichs schon mal gelesen aber ich finds nimmer.wie krieg ichs hinn das der ...
Turbo Container [new]
Also...Turbo Container basiert auf einem Spiel des Vaters eines Klassenkameraden eines ...
Welche Funktionen vermisst ihr? [new]
Ich hab mich ein wenig umgeschaut, aber nichts gefunden.Da es ja eine "Diskussion&...
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Ablach Blackrat: Good finds that make you so angry...
So while working on my game, Paper Flight, I discovered something today.  I had co...
GMC: Complete Revamp
As a result of many on-going discussions, suggestions, and complaints from the communit...
GMC: 20 updates, YoYo-layout & nieuwe server
Over ongeveer een week zal het officiële Engelstalige Game Maker-forum flink onder h...
Dynamics - 9.6
Dynamics is a stylish gadget made to display realtime processor load and RAM use, as we...
GMC: Complete Revamp
As a result of many on-going discussions, suggestions, and complaints from the communit...
GMC: 20 updates, YoYo-layout & nieuwe server
Over ongeveer een week zal het officiële Engelstalige Game Maker-forum flink onder h...

Sunday, 16 March

Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**NOW OVER 400 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
Split-screen + Control Screen Tutorial [new]
without objects floating above players - Posted by Delta 04
Rpg Inventory (update 1.3.08 *item Stacking*) [new]
uses a single sprite for items - Posted by moo_moo_the_cow
Inventory Example [new]
Dropping, "looting", Not drag and drop - Posted by Revel
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
External Loading Example [new]
its just amazing!!! - Posted by flamekiller
ISSUE 11 - MARCH 2008 [OUT NOW] [new]
[/url]It’s mid-march and this issue has been delayed by a week, the wait is over; th...
Read the full blog post on the GMB wiki [new]
…Wait, what? Why should we read a part of your magazine (fyi: GMT’s out) fr...
Finally: GameMakerTech Issue 11. [new]
After much delay Issue 11 of GameMakerTech has finally been released.Traditionally both...
MAG: GM Tech Issue 11 [new]
GM Tech has released their 11th issue of their popular Game Maker focused magazine toda...
Mise en service de la fonction Calendrier d'évènements... [new]
Bonjour à tous,Comme certains ont déjà dû le remarquer, une nouvelle foncti...
A breath of fresh air [new]
Download linkHurray for the new GameMakerTech design seen in Issue 11. It’s clea...
64D [and snowmoons] in GM Tech Magazine [new]
Hey guys,[url=http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=259273]GM Tech Magazine[/url...
Concurso Revista Irrompibles [new]
"Bien, micos. Han estado muy ordenaditos y pensativos con el concurso de Irrompibl...
Xprofan [new]
Hi Leuts!Ich bin grad über eine prog sprache gestolpert.Die soll zimlich einfach sein....
BladderClick [new]
Hallo Leute!Ich hab mal aus langeweile ein Spiel erstellt, das ich euch natürlich nich...
GM 6 Kollisionsprüfung umkehren [new]
Hallo. Ich möchte die kollisionsprüfung collision_line umkehehren, also dass sie mir ...
event_perform - wie geht das mit den kommenden befehlen [new]
Hi ihrfolgende Situation:In einem Maniy-Shmup schießt ein Schiff kerzengrade nach oben...
GM 7 HSpeed Begrenzung [new]
Ich mal wieder!Ich hab eine kleine Frage:Also, in meinem Key Press Left Event steht fol...
Sprite wechselt nicht! [new]
SuFu wurde benutztIch hab ein Problem:Ich habe in meinem Super Mario natürlich 2 Sprit...
GM 6 Musik Problem [new]
Hi,ich hab ein Problem und zwar folgendes :Ich wollte in meinem Spiel im Menü eher ruh...
Joystick DLL [new]
Hallöchen alle miteinander Ich wollte einaml ein Spiel mit dem GM machen, dass per Joy...
Frage zu einem Radar [new]
HiWeiß zufällig jemand wie im Spiel Conflict Online das Radar erstellt wurde?Naja eig...
GM 6 Path und Bildskalierung zeitgleich [new]
Als 1. möcht ich sagen, dass ich aus meinem leichten Problem im Kopf ein ziemlich gro...
PonzZ - Tablepong Final [new]
Klick hier um es zu downloaden! Nur 3.4 MB Hallo Leute!Nun bin ich mit dem Spiel fertig...
GameMaker 6.1 legal registriert, Code vergessen [new]
So, ich bins nach langer Zeit mal wieder, der Woku.Ich habe GameMaker 6.1 auf einem PC ...
Movement, Jumping, And Gravity [new]
Double jumping ;3 - Posted by jgrant
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Split-screen + Control Screen Tutorial [new]
without objects floating above players - Posted by Delta 04
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
Grid Movement And Grid Drawing [new]
V2 is out! now with pushable blocks!! - Posted by blobstah
Sparkengine V1.01 [new]
**NOW OVER 500 DOWNLOADS!!!** - Posted by kristian221
MAG: GM Tech Issue 11
GM Tech has released their 11th issue of their popular Game Maker focused magazine toda...
[/url]It’s mid-march and this issue has been delayed by a week, the wait is over; th...
PYRE Episode 1
This is the first part of the Pyre series. Our protaganist wakes up in an underground ...
Mise en service de la fonction Calendrier d'évènements...
Bonjour à tous,Comme certains ont déjà dû le remarquer, une nouvelle foncti...
It’s mid-march and this issue has been delayed by a week, the wait is over; the issu...
64D [and snowmoons] in GM Tech Magazine
Hey guys,[url=http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=259273]GM Tech Magazine[/url...
Concurso Revista Irrompibles
"Bien, micos. Han estado muy ordenaditos y pensativos con el concurso de Irrompibl...
MAG: GM Tech Issue 11
GM Tech has released their 11th issue of their popular Game Maker focused magazine toda...
It’s mid-march and this issue has been delayed by a week, the wait is over; ...
Temple Action
Right, found this laying around in a back folder and figured I'd stick it up here, bein...
This is Not a Song
And that's not an SID chip.
Mise en service de la fonction Calendrier d'évènements...
Bonjour à tous,Comme certains ont déjà dû le remarquer, une nouvelle foncti...
Mise en service de la fonction Calendrier d'évènements...
Bonjour à tous,br /br /br /br /Comme certains ont déjà dû le remarquer, une...
Mise en service de la fonction Calendrier d'évènements...
Bonjour à tous,Comme certains ont déjà dû le remarquer, une nouvelle foncti...
Mise en service de la fonction Calendrier d'évènements...
Bonjour à tous,Comme certains ont déjà dû le remarquer, une nouvelle foncti...

Monday, 17 March

GMTech Issue 11 Released [new]
Game Maker Tech Issue 11 has been released. Some of the articles include “Simplif...
THE JETLAG (an art game) [new]
After a lot of thinking, and reconsidering my latest piece of art, THE HANGOVER (an art...
64Brawl Poll [Kilin] [new]
Hey, guys, it's Kilin back with more news on 64Brawl. I've been working on a few selec...
[F13] Photo [new]
[img]64digits.com/users/F1ak3r/Picture_003.jpg[/img]It's me. Courtesy of my LEGO webcam...
Zee-Atlor9 [new]
Instead of starting this blog with 'hey, peoplez' or something like that, I begin with ...
-E- Dark Amoeba [new]
[i]7007 hits since writing this[/i][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y611POyDUZM[...
[423] Midnight Blog [new]
I just noticed that I give more feedback to users and their blogs when I'm using 64Digi...
Can you believe people like this exist? [new]
HOW STUPID CAN YOU FCKN BE!?lol look at the sketch!I almost pissed myself rotf![youtube...
Vs. [new]
[img]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/3364/redcoatsownmarinespp4.jpg[/img]Any mod who...
GreenNex's game Blog #2 [new]
I haven't blogged for months, due to laziness, basketball, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl....
A Map and Lists [new]
Working on the interface and database, as of today I've got some of the basics done.[im...
Topic voor de medailles [new]
In een ander topic werd gezegt of een medailletopic geen idee was, nou hier is hij dan....
de Gmot medaile wedstrijden [delete deze maar we gaan voor die van miniejjj] [new]
Bij elke wedstrijd (als de bedenker het goed vind) wordt er een medaile uitgerijkt aan ...
patap(•)n, leuk spel? [new]
Ik, als locoroco liefhebber, denk erover om patapon te gaan kopen. Is dit een leuk spel...
post niet zelfgemaakte kunst [new]
Dit is een topic voor iedereen die wel eens wat tegen komt op internet of waar dan ook ...
rct3 updaten [new]
Ik wil rct3 updaten, volgens mij heb ik de eu retail versie. Hij is in nederland gekoch...
laat mensen hun eigen topic modereren [new]
Zou het een goed idee zijn om bij het maken van een topic een optie te doen waarmee men...
Postitie van div aanvragen en veranderen [new]
Hallo =)Ik vroeg me af of het mogelijk was om de positie van een div op te vragen en te...
Ankers html [new]
Hoi,Ik zit met een probleem. Ik heb een groot menu. Nu wil dat als je op een link drukt...
Sprite wedstrijd [new]
Hey,Ik had het idee om een sprite wedstrijd te houden, het gaat nu nog om de eer^^Dus g...
leraren, we hebben ze allemaal... [new]
Okee, vertel hier wie je leukste (of stomste) leraar is en vertel wat je allemaal (niet...
Kollisionstest verläuft immer negativ ?! [new]
Also, ich hab in meinem Spiel folgenden (hierfür etwas abgespeckten) Code drin: ...
GM 6 Nebel, Licht usw... [3D] [new]
Oh gott ich werd noch verrückt...Ich möchte in meinem 3D Spiel das alles dunkel ist =...
GM 7 GTA2 Graphikstil problem [new]
hallo erstmal, ich habe jetzt einmal versucht so ein Pseudo 3D (Wie in GTA2) zu erstell...
GM 6 Tetrisstein drehen - was mach ich falsch? [new]
Hallo. Ich arbeite gerade Tetris und hab grad ein ziemliches Problem mit dem Drehen vom...
3d objects des gmax in gfm importieren [new]
hi leutz ich versuche objecte in 3d importieren un ´zu benutzen geht das oda brauch ma...
GM 7 CD-Player [new]
Ich möchte einen CD-player programmieren(is ja eigentlich nich schwer),und ein Button ...
Assault On Aliens: Arena - Topdown-shooter [new]
Assault On Aliens: Arena Hier mit ein paar Tagen Verspätung präsentiere ich nun die V...
Random-Funktion spinnt ??? (Path random auswählen) [new]
Nochmals Abend.Schon wieder was .Also hab ein Labyrinth Level. Jede 50 Steps kreiert ei...
Instance nearest *gelöst* Danke [new]
Also folgendes:Ich bastle eine AI, die Gegener abschiesen soll, und das hier ist die AI...
GM 7 Gravitations Problem [new]
Hallo!Ich arbeite gerade an einem Bounce Remake!Jetzt hab ich dieses Problem: Mein Ball...
Point and Click Games [new]
Hallo erstma,Also ich hab ma im Forum ein bisschen gekukt ob ich was über Point and Cl...
Better luck next community [new]
Happy Saint Patty's day. Like you even care about a dude named Patty. Sorry, I'm just c...
... May Contain Traces Of Stupid [new]
I borrowed my brothers mp3 (without asking) and went throught his music. All he has is ...
It's been a while. [new]
Yeah, haven't been active all that much anywhere. School kills. I'll just put up some s...
[cps] New Cell [new]
Hello, 64Digits.[b]My phone sucks[/b]My phone is stupid and has been really screwing up...
64digits' Past [new]
*sigh*All the speak of comparison between Snowmoons and 64digits has made me think back...
sprite wedstrijd voor medailes! [new]
Dit is een wedstrijd om de medailes te maken voor de medailes wedstrijd.als je mee wil ...
[Gezocht] Site met achternamen van hele wereld [new]
Ik ben op zoek naar een site waar alle achternamen van de hele wereld op staan, of iig ...
Movement, Jumping, And Gravity [new]
Double jumping ;3 - Posted by jgrant
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Realtime Soft Shadows [new]
Fastest realtime soft shadows ;) - Posted by CH@$ER
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Suburb of the Living Dead (literally) [new]
After the outbreak, Shaun and Liz flee to the suburbs. The first residence they come ac...
PuzzleWorld [new]
Figure out the puzzles by inserting the passwords. Use of pen/paper and an image editor...
Suburb of the Living Dead (literally)
After the outbreak, Shaun and Liz flee to the suburbs. The first residence they come ac...
Figure out the puzzles by inserting the passwords. Use of pen/paper and an image editor...

Tuesday, 18 March

File-Handling Example
Covers the basics of text file handling. It's very simple and heavily commented so it's...
Particle Example
This example shows you the basics (really basic) of particles and is created by Catscra...
This example shows how to use .ini-files. .ini-files can come in very handy for many ga...
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Login System [new]
Easy to Use - Posted by Revel
Hüpf Problem [new]
Ich arbeite gerade an meinem Bounce Remake!Wenn der Ball den Boden berührt sollte er w...
*~- Pacman - Allstar -~* [new]
Hoi,ich möchte hier mal eben mein Projekt zeigen.*~-Pacman Allstar-~*Ich arbeite erst ...
File-Handling Example [new]
Covers the basics of text file handling. It's very simple and heavily commented so it's...
Particle Example [new]
This example shows you the basics (really basic) of particles and is created by Catscra...
INI-example [new]
This example shows how to use .ini-files. .ini-files can come in very handy for many ga...
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
GMC skin preview [new]
…is here. What do you think?
Gamemaker Magazine, pt. 2 [new]
…and the second issue is out, featuring the following: Interview with Edge and Fr...
Game Maker Magazine Issue 2 [new]
Another Game Maker publication has been released; this time it’s Game Maker Magaz...
Simple + and - questions in base 2-9. >=DThe question number is the base number minu...
Stevenup7002 is Live! [new]
Everyone else was doing it so I decided to do it as well. Here's the link: http://www.u...
A few questions [new]
I just have a few questions.1. If you post a WIP, the game is sent to the front page. W...
[XY]Something amazing! [new]
Not really, but I did get your attention.First off, I am at school, this is my economic...
Let's Brawl [new]
My copy of Super Smash Bros Brawl finally came back along with my "repaired" ...
MSN foutmelding: 80072efd (Key-poorten) [new]
Hallo, ik heb een probleem: Als ik in probeer te loggen bij msn krijg ik de bekende fou...
Welke podcasts luister jij? [new]
Luister jij podcasts? En zo ja welke?Ik luister:Edwin Evers staat opCoen en Sander show...
[javascript] laden [new]
Weet iemand een code in javascript(denk dat het hierin moet).Dat er eerst Laden.... sta...
Lijst zonder admin [new]
Hoi,Ik wil een topscore lijst maken. Dit kan met gemak via een While, maar hoe maak ik ...
New GMC Screenshot and GM Writeup [new]
In case you hadn’t noticed, Chronic released a screenshot of the new prototype GM...
Gefahr im Hühnerstall-Minispiel [new]
So, jetzt möchte ich auch endlich mal ein Spielprojekt vorstellen(auch wenns nur ein M...
Suche Pistole und vllt. andere Waffen aus Egoperspective [new]
Wie schon gesagt:Suche Pistole und vllt. andere Waffen aus Egoperspective.Ich habe scho...
Object per Zufall erscheinen lassen. [new]
Also, ich weiss das es diese Frage schon mal in einer anderen Art gab. Meine Frage ist,...
Windows, wie es leibt und lebt [new]
Also, nachdem ich (dank Kilik) mein Problem gelöst hatte, hat sich Windows miteiner lu...
Frage zum springen [new]
hallihalobin neu hier udn den GM 7.0 besitze ich erst seit gesternhab also wohl in nahe...
Chat-Problem [new]
Ich habe ein kleines Problem, jedesmal, wenn ich in den Chat gehen will, kommt dieMeldu...
Tutorial für GM Einsteiger [new]
Hi alle zusammen Ich dachte mir, ich mach mal ein Tutorial für alle die, die mit dem G...
Gamemaker Magazine, pt. 2
…and the second issue is out, featuring the following: Interview with Edge and Fr...
File-Handling Example
Covers the basics of text file handling. It's very simple and heavily commented so it's...
Particle Example
This example shows you the basics (really basic) of particles and is created by Catscra...
This example shows how to use .ini-files. .ini-files can come in very handy for many ga...
New GMC Screenshot and GM Writeup [new]
In case you hadn’t noticed, Chronic released a screenshot of the new prototype GM...
Game Maker Magazine Issue 2 [new]
Another Game Maker publication has been released; this time it’s Game Maker Magaz...
Game Maker Magazine Issue 2
Another Game Maker publication has been released; this time it’s Game Maker Magaz...
New GMC Screenshot and GM Writeup
In case you hadn’t noticed, Chronic released a screenshot of the new prototype GM...

Wednesday, 19 March

GMTV Issue 3 [new]
In keeping with the current trend of late publications, Game Maker TV Issue 3 has been ...
Ablach Blackrat: New Screenshot for Paper Flight [new]
There didn't seem to be much interest for the demo of Paper Flight over at the GMC...
GMTV, episode 3 [new]
…is out.  Featuring a lot of reviews and an interview with a GMNews/GMTech w...
GMTV 3 detailed review [new]
…by everybody’s favorite [sic] writer. I have to say, to begin this with, t...
Alright, I'll do it [new]
So, we are all aware of the contagious disease that is a fad. It seems that I have cont...
[423] Feeding the Fad Dragon [new]
FYI, Clay was the first to mention a "fad dragon". I'm saying this so that he...
-2000= nothing equals [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]According to a lot who commented on yesterday’s ...
php [new]
Hi, guys. I figured some of you might know a bit of php so do you know what's wrong wit...
Fad entry #something [new]
Haven't made a frontpaged in a while...So, here goes nothing:Phazon YoshiHreat guy, ser...
People I hate²³ [new]
They say hate is the new love, might as well.No order really:Poly:Oy Poly, fucking arse...
Annual convention stuff (Scythe) [new]
Hola, people! It be March, and I am completely ignoring the fact that none of you care ...
Sharing is caring [‡] [new]
Might as well.(in no particular order):[b]Twisterghost: [/b]A funny guy. The story beh...
Love Words [new]
This is the best fad ever to hit 64Digits, so I'm going to jump on the bandwagon.I'll ...
Back in black [new]
Well, I didn't start of very well with this site. I guess I were busy or something when...
[html/JS] Ik begrijp een error niet. [new]
Ik heb een documentje, in FF geeft het de volgende error:Fout: uncaught exception: Refe...
priem getallen ?!? [new]
ik ben bezig met een werk stuk dat ik morgen moet inleveren  maar ik snap `m niet...
[JS] NaN error (Not a Number) [new]
geen idee waarom maar waarom werkt dit niet:Code:var bla=parseFloat(workingdiv.left.rep...
Cursor [new]
Weet iemand een goed programma om een muis te maken?
3d%20smûûrf [new]
Hoi mensen, ik heb een plaatje van een smurf gemaakt die je met zo'n brilletje moet...
Menu Start opruimen [new]
Ik háát rompslomp op mijn pc, waaronder de menu's in Start. (Win XP)Nu wil ik...
Mooziks [new]
Hello. I've made some tunes. I am no pro so do not expect it to be too good. Its all pr...
The Pass: The Progress Report [new]
So, what I have so far for my contest entry:* Full-motion 3d-rendered logo video* Worki...
I will be ustreaming my sleep tonight [new]
I'm not joking, I actually will be! Catch it here:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/stevenu...
... Lazy Day [new]
Note: This whole week my Personal Messages on MSN starts with 'This Girl...' and then I...
Jaaack(Dante's Voice)[Kp28] [new]
[i]You'll find out what that title means eventually, maybe around Incandescent Darkness...
Schießen [3d] [new]
Hallo Leute!Ich arbeite momentan an einem 3D FPS und möchte, dass man schießen kann.A...
Speed Begrenzen [new]
EDIT EDIT EDIT:Hab was gefunden, was mein Problem löst!Jetzt tut sich aber ne neue Fra...
frage zum highscore [new]
wie kann ich eienn highscore im spiel anbringen, nachdem das spiel zuende ist?ich habe ...
Tiny Man Adventures [new]
Remake of my first GM game(original was deleted by harddrive crash). A simple platform...
GMTV Issue 3 [new]
In keeping with the current trend of late publications, Game Maker TV Issue 3 has been ...
GMTV Issue 3
In keeping with the current trend of late publications, Game Maker TV Issue 3 has been ...
Ablach Blackrat: New Screenshot for Paper Flight
There didn't seem to be much interest for the demo of Paper Flight over at the GMC...
GMTV, episode 3
…is out.  Featuring a lot of reviews and an interview with a GMNews/GMTech w...
GMTV 3 detailed review
…by everybody’s favorite [sic] writer. I have to say, to begin this with, t...
Tiny Man Adventures - 8.0
Remake of my first GM game(original was deleted by harddrive crash). A simple platform...

Thursday, 20 March

Stmpd. Not too late for love [new]
Normally nowadays, I don't write blogs on front page. I love to read a little more inte...
late fad submission [new]
[center]Well, I'm leaving for surgery. I don't ask for prayers often... but I have a fe...
Pokemon crator [new]
Hey die mensen, ik ben nu bezig met pokemoncrator gamemaker versie ^^Maar ik heb nog wa...
GMC Anticipation [new]
The Game Maker Community Forums are now off-line, which we can only assume means the mu...
Welcome to the Updated GMC Forum ! [new]
It’s bigger, faster, better and it’s UP AND RUNNING…..major shout ou...
GMC V2 Up and Running [new]
If you haven’t noticed already, the new GMC is up and running here.So far everyth...
[HTML]Hoe werkt iframe :S[OPGELOST...] [new]
Iemand uit mijn klas zei dat ik eens een iframe moest proberen. Dus ik proberen. En ik ...
radio player tray icon [new]
is er geen programma dat automatisch opstart bij startup en verkleint in tray icon en r...
New look YoYo-ized GMC [new]
The GMC is looking distinctly green.Here is a quick comparison conducted between the &#...
Sandy: “our customer support is terrible” [new]
Sandy Duncan CEO of YoYo Games has admitted that their “customer support is terri...
ytjddxgh [new]
Fooooooddddd.............(Just a test!)Posted by: 64days.
[TrogBlog] ReBirth [new]
So, I haven't blogged in quite some time, so it's time for another edition of the trogb...
[RX] Wikipedia [new]
Okay, I am about to share one of [i]the[/i] most retarded things the school has ever do...
Fad's and wars [new]
[b][color=red]IMPORTANT! This blog has been censored, highlight the entire “The new wa...
[VH]Anyone up for helping a poor man with his chemistry? [new]
Of course you guys don't mind, you're good Samaritans. Naow den, I've been bombing chem...
OMFG LIEK :D fad blog. [new]
k.[b]Frenchcon1[/b]God i'm weird.[b]marbs[/b]Own. Srsly, take anythign he says and it's...
They Came From (Where!?) [new]
Ok, here's the deal: I need some help with a name for my zombie shooter. It's going to ...
Platformer/Brawl Still In My System [new]
Well, lately...I got kinda sucked into this platformer I was messing around with, and i...
Cake Hurts! [new]
The year eights had a cake sale at school today, everyone likes cake! But cake causes p...
The army [new]
I need an epic story for my new game =PSomeone help me with that =/I'm planning to make...
IPhone met Telfort [new]
Hey,Ik zit eraan te denken om een IPhone te gaan kopen (unlocked) via Ebay (uit amerika...
Vertel een spannend avontuur, die jij hebt meegemaakt! [new]
Vind de juiste weg door het sprookje!Met veel leuke en leerzame spelletjes!
[fruityloops]Roffelen? [new]
Heej mensen. Eerst wil ik even zeggen dat ik vind dat Fruityloops wel degelijk onder pr...
Buzz! - Buzzer [new]
Hab da mal ne Frage:Ich hab einfach mal meine Buzz! - Buzzer von der Playstation per US...
Splinter Cell 4 - Double Agent läuft stockend zu schnell [new]
Schöne Ostern erstmal , Ich habe mir schon seit Jahren überlegt Splinter Cell Double ...
Guar.D - 2D Shooter - [ 1. Demo ] [new]
- ein 2D-Shooter aus der Seitenansicht -1. Bla Bla BlubJa... nach langer Zeit mal wied...
Maze Game: Arcy-der kleine gelbe Smiley [new]
In dem Spiel geht es darum, mit dem kleinen gelben Smiley alle Schlüssel einzusammelnb...
Der Ballonshooter [new]
EIGENTLICH sollte das ganze nur ein kleines Minigame werden, damit ich die Funktionen d...
Score/leben probleme [new]
hallihalloich und ein kumpel basteln gerade an einem kleinen jump n run!wir haben unser...
Objekt bleibt seitlich stecken! *gelöst* [new]
Ich hab (mal wieder) ein Problem:Wenn ich in das Objekt "obj_block" mit meine...
GM 7 Objekt "sinkt" erst ein! [new]
Hallo! Ich hab folgendes Problem:Wenn ich das Objekt "obj_boden" von oben ber...
GM 6 Fragestellung geändert: Wie führe ich mit GML erstellte timelines mit Drag&Drop aus... [new]
Also. Ich brauch für ein Spiel eine Timeline die sehr viele gleiche Steps hat und desw...
Code Problem [new]
So, ich hab ein kleines Problem mit meinem Code! Der GM bringt mir immer eine Fehlermel...
GM 7 Objekt "sinkt" erst ein! *gelöst* [new]
Hallo! Ich hab folgendes Problem:Wenn ich das Objekt "obj_boden" von oben ber...
GMC V2 Up and Running [new]
If you haven’t noticed already, the new GMC is up and running here.So far everyth...
GMC Anticipation [new]
The Game Maker Community Forums are now off-line, which we can only assume means the mu...
GMC Anticipation
The Game Maker Community Forums are now off-line, which we can only assume means the mu...
GMC V2 Up and Running
If you haven’t noticed already, the new GMC is up and running here.So far everyth...
New look YoYo-ized GMC
The GMC is looking distinctly green.Here is a quick comparison conducted between the &#...
Welcome to the Updated GMC Forum !
It’s bigger, faster, better and it’s UP AND RUNNING…..major shout ou...
Sandy: “our customer support is terrible”
Sandy Duncan CEO of YoYo Games has admitted that their “customer support is terri...

Friday, 21 March

GMC: The logo chaos [new]
Ever since the new GMC has come to light, many users have started complaining about the...
GMC: Logo, final verdict? [new]
Mark Overmars has formally expressed his opinion on the subject of the YoYo Games logo ...
Faire rebondir une balle [new]
Salut. J'ai créé des blocs à l'horizontale et une balle au dessus. J'ai mis de...
Game Maker Neues von der GMC [new]
Die GMC wurde kürzlich auf eine neuen Version ihrer Forensoftware gehievt und wurde nu...
Explusion [new]
Hallo,ich möchte ein Spiel machen bei dem mann auch Bomben legen kann.Nur wie kann ich...
GM 6 Probleme mit korrekter Objekterstellung [new]
Tag allerseits,ich hab mich schon durch das Forum geklickt und mir wurde echt gut gehol...
Kursänderung begrenzen [new]
Hallo,ich mache ein Flieger-Spiel in dem das Flugzeug immer hinter der Maus herfliegt(d...
Sonderrechte [new]
Hallo Community.Weiss jemand von euch, wo ich Sirenen für das Auto bestellen kann? Es ...
GM 7 "Komischer" Rand bei Tiles [new]
Hallo!Ich habe einen Room, der 256x176 groß ist!Da habe ich 16x16 große Tiles drinnen...
Soldat Game [new]
Hallo erstmaIch hoffe das diese Nachricht in diesen Teil des Forums gehört weil ich ma...
Game Maker Neues von der GMC [new]
Die GMC wurde kürzlich auf eine neuen Version ihrer Forensoftware gehievt und wurde nu...
Congratulations to DoctorM64 [new]
I\'m sure you guys have probably noticed an increased amount of guests lately. That\'s ...
[TWIN] Please, read... [new]
http://64digits.com/users/Twinsoul/meh.gm6^ a game I'm making for fun, sorta inspired b...
Music Contest Week 3 [new]
Hey guys, hope you all haven't forgotten about the music contest. Today marks the third...
Do not click this!!! [new]
[b][color=red]IMPORTANT! This blog contains sexually oriented crude humor and is [u]not...
Breaking the cycle [new]
Long time ago, perhaps a year ago, I wrote an emo-ish blog talking about how my life is...
[b]THEY KNOW WE EXISTS!!![/b]What are we going to do!I say we build a giant box fort, d...
Juju invents the HeRMIT [new]
[center][h1]Surface Rendering by Magnetic Induction:The Principles, Design and Operatio...
Prospone the Awards Ceremony? (+Update on ADT) [new]
Firstly the good news. I have been at very hard work in the past week and I have succes...
Nom Nom Nom [new]
Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom...
[OL] 64Digits on major blogs [new]
If you've noticed a lot of guests at 64Digits recently, your eyes were not deceiving yo...
[TrogBlog] People Blog? [new]
So, Everyone else is doing so, so I must join the bandwagon. Time to talk about the few...
Resource pack resources [new]
Aan deze weblog wordt een topic besteed op het forum van Game Maker Off Topic, www.gmot...
[php] ik krijg ?> gewoon op m`n site [new]
ik heb een php filetje ik heb bijna alles in html maar een stukje in php ik open php zo...
Afbeelding verkleinen [new]
Hallo GMOTers,Ik heb een vraagje:Hoe kan je een afbeelding verkleinen (op je website) a...
fout met plaatjes berichten. [new]
je snap de fout denk ik al ^^heb bovenste image zit dus niet rechts op de anderen of ju...
Pixel city [new]
Ik heb dit spel eens op een ander forum gezien, het werkt als volgt:Ik maak een begin v...
[423] Hello There 64Guests! :D [new]
*waves to the 120+ guests that are logged on atm*[i]*warning, personal thought dump ahe...
HOA [new]
HOA is a game about a man who can fly!The controls are simple - just <left> <r...
Explosion [new]
Hallo,ich möchte ein Spiel machen bei dem man auch Bomben legen kann.Nur wie kann ich ...
GMC: Logo, final verdict? [new]
Mark Overmars has formally expressed his opinion on the subject of the YoYo Games logo ...
GMC: The logo chaos [new]
Ever since the new GMC has come to light, many users have started complaining about the...
GMC: The logo chaos
Ever since the new GMC has come to light, many users have started complaining about the...
GMC: Logo, final verdict?
Mark Overmars has formally expressed his opinion on the subject of the YoYo Games logo ...
Game Maker Neues von der GMC
Die GMC wurde kürzlich auf eine neuen Version ihrer Forensoftware gehievt und wurde nu...
Congratulations to DoctorM64
I\'m sure you guys have probably noticed an increased amount of guests lately. That\'s ...
Resource pack resources
Aan deze weblog wordt een topic besteed op het forum van Game Maker Off Topic, www.gmot...
HOA - 6.6
HOA is a game about a man who can fly!The controls are simple - just <left> <r...
Resource pack resources
span style="font-family: trebuchet ms;"Aan deze weblog wordt een topic bestee...
Congratulations to DoctorM64
I\'m sure you guys have probably noticed an increased amount of guests lately. That\'s ...

Saturday, 22 March

Just Cause, Wer hat dieses Spiel? Ist es in deutscher Sprachausgabe? PC [new]
Ich interessiere mich für das Spiel "Just Cause". Ich habe die Demo schon an...
I bought GameMaker School [new]
Broadcasting to the world a domain name you plan to register isn’t the brightest ...
New version of AllianceBros [new]
I've relase a little new version of Alliancebros with some changements..-is more faster...
Some ADT Screenshots [new]
I thought I'd update my progress on ADT with more than just words but with a collection...
_ [17] [new]
Short title = more comments, so does low content, but I'd get tagged for that, and tagg...
[DSG] CS Changes + MUSIC!! [new]
[em]CRIMSON STAR///[/em]Ok... this is cool. I'm getting rid of the Aeri Ruins. INSTEAD,...
chick habit... [new]
gotta hang it up....if you know what it means you're officially cool...i DONT WANNA BE ...
Post count is back! [new]
At a risk of sounding like gmnews, Chronic has announced that member post counts will o...
GMC Status Update [new]
 Post Counts:For the first time in a long time ever (?) the GMC staff have enabled pos...
Leden online [new]
Hoe kan ik het beste berekenen hoeveel leden er online zijn?Ik heb dit bedacht:- Ik hou...
kan alleen nieuwe map aanmaken met standaard naam [nieuwe map] [new]
ik kan gelukkig nog wel mappen aanmaken maar als ik mijn werk etc. een beetje wil orden...
VERPLAATST: Google Video upload probleem [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Computers & Internet.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topi...
Google Video upload probleem [new]
Als ik bij google video een video upload, krijg ik het bericht van "The connection...
[TWIN]Abstract Game+Pwned! [new]
http://64digits.com/users/Twinsoul/dotty.gm6This game is a bit abstract. Arrow keys to ...
Big 25k! [new]
I am actually nearing 25k hits, only 145 left as of writing (24855).And by Squid's requ...
~Red~ Little blizzard at dawn [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, it isn’t as exciting ...
Big 10k! [new]
Is still a while off, I must beat ronnica, you sexually limited users, you.I'm-a gonna ...
Zomg [new]
Crap.After accidentally deleting three blogging attempts, I'm not gonna write as much i...
It is true. Ask my mom.Okay, I got a new member for us, and I we had no idea on how to ...
[RX] SMF [new]
[b]SMF[/b]Well, I set up an [url=http://retro.staticfire.co.uk/includes/forums/index.ph...
Juju's CG - 9.0 [new]
CGBy JujuCG isn't your standard game. CG isn't really a game. CG is a journey...
GM 7 Mapeditor Problem (Tileauswahl) [Problem gelöst] [new]
Hallo liebe Community .Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich mich irgendwann mal mit einem...
Osterei für den Desktop [new]
Frohe Ostern an alle Ein animiertes Osterei für den Desktop. Man kann es auf dem Deskt...
GMC Status Update [new]
 Post Counts:For the first time in a long time ever (?) the GMC staff have enabled pos...
I bought GameMaker School
Broadcasting to the world a domain name you plan to register isn’t the brightest ...
Post count is back!
At a risk of sounding like gmnews, Chronic has announced that member post counts will o...
GMC Status Update
 Post Counts:For the first time in a long time ever (?) the GMC staff have enabled pos...
Juju's CG - 9.1
CGBy JujuCG isn't your standard game. CG isn't really a game. CG is a journey...
The Rainlands
I hadn't made any game music in a while. When I saw DarkSirrusGames' Crimson Star, I wa...
Mise en service de la fonction Calendrier d'évènements...
Bonjour à tous,Comme certains ont déjà dû le remarquer, une nouvelle foncti...
Mise en service de la fonction Calendrier d'évènements...
Bonjour à tous,Comme certains ont déjà dû le remarquer, une nouvelle foncti...

Sunday, 23 March

Austin Lindgren is ShadePlay23 [new]
I have been threatened and insulted by Austin Lindgren, aka ShadePlay23 from ShadePlay2...
How to Become a Staff Pick [new]
On the GMC Forum the question was asked how to make sure that your game becomes a staff...
What next at the GMC? [new]
Recent days have seen YoYo Games truly communicating with its community for the first t...
GMArcade.com under attack [new]
The most popular “instant play” style website besides YoYoGames, GMArcade, ...
Entropy Competition [new]
Hey guys, it\'s another game programming competition brought to you by ludamad and marb...
Passage du forum GM Zone en Phpbb3 [new]
Passage du forum GM Zone en Phpbb3Cela change un peu mais on devrait s'y habituer !J'es...
Beim Testen des Spiels bleibt alles stehen... [new]
Hallo,ich benutze zum kreieren meiner Spiele zur Zeit den Game Maker 5.3A. Sonst lief e...
Auflösung&Farbtiefe einstellen - Menüinterface (Gelöst) [new]
Ich hätte da wieder einmal eine Frage. Ich habe versucht, ein textbasiertes Menü zu e...
GM 7 Objekt "steckt" *gelöst* [new]
So, ich weiß, dass die Überschrift nicht wirklich zum Thread passt, aber mir ist nich...
Zweites Objekt einmalig an einer bestimmten Position zerstören [new]
Hallo, ich hab mal wieder ein GML Problem weil mir die richtigen Befehle fehlen für da...
Bildschirmproblem [new]
tach bin auch mal wieder daalso habe die bordsuche benutzt aber irgendwie nix gefunden ...
Fehlermeldungen [new]
Hallo ich weiß nicht ob das hier herein gehört, aber ich habe eine Frage: Bei den Feh...
Wobble-3d [new]
Ich melde mich mal wieder mit einem 3d-Spielchen, und zwar Wobble-3d. Ich habe heute da...
Alpha Man [new]
The attention such a title would grab is a possible amount of none to quite a bit.Regar...
[A] Honey, I'm Home! [new]
[b] Blog title [/b]-That's what you normally hear in cartoons or cheesy movies as soon ...
Objekt "steckt" *gelöst* [new]
So, ich weiß, dass die Überschrift nicht wirklich zum Thread passt, aber mir ist nich...
Entropy Competition [new]
[i]Edit:[/i]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_HourHey guys, it\'s another game program...
How to Become a Staff Pick
On the GMC Forum the question was asked how to make sure that your game becomes a staff...
What next at the GMC?
Recent days have seen YoYo Games truly communicating with its community for the first t...
Entropy Competition
Hey guys, it\'s another game programming competition brought to you by ludamad and marb...
GMArcade.com under attack
The most popular “instant play” style website besides YoYoGames, GMArcade, ...
Got bored, decided to remake the town music from one of my dead projects....I really su...
Entropy Competition
Hey guys, it\'s another game programming competition brought to you by ludamad and marb...

Monday, 24 March

Munitions und Lebensanzeige! [new]
Hallo bin neu hier und habe folgende Frage: Ich sitzte gerade an meinem ersten Spiel &...
GM 6 39dll-Fehler [new]
Wie war das nochmal?Wenn man Server und Client im gleichem Spiel hat kommt es zu Fehler...
Room Wechsel + Anders Objekt [new]
Also, ich hab folgendes Problem:Wenn ich in meinem Super Mario z.B. in room_lvl_1 vom k...
GM 6 .obj einbinden [3D] [new]
Hey Leute,ich bins nochmal.Ich habe google sketch up und exportiere meine 3D Werke imme...
gamemaker? [new]
Ich weis diese Frage wurde bestimmt schon oft gestellt hab auch das forum durchgeschaut...
Fantasy Holes [new]
Momentan arbeite ich zusammen mit meiner Schwester an einer Minispielkollektion, die im...
Say No To GameMaker Blog [new]
I don't know if you guys have seen this floating around.. but it's really some serious ...
~Red~ Last blog? [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]Happy day after Easter! I’m having trouble writi...
REZ LOG#2: Chapter One preview [new]
[img]http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c226/photogg/rezchp1preview1.png[/img]Its REZ LO...
Word up. [new]
[quote]Ninja says:hi.Snakeman says:word upNinja says:byeSnakeman says:peace outNinja sa...
The last screenshot of ADT before the demo [new]
Firstly I'd like to say that there is a release date no matter what condition it's in. ...
e.r.g.y.p.m. [new]
--This blog includes random current events--[u]Easter.[/u]...[u]Reflect.[/u]Is it just ...
Night of the Undead Juju [new]
In a break from my typically collosal blogs, I'm going to write a short one full of gra...
I haven't frontpaged in a while :( [new]
It took me a while to do this, but I haven't frontpaged a blog in a while and I'm getti...
Iemand die Fifa Manager 2008 speelt? [new]
Iemand die nog fifa manager 2008 speelt?
[JS] Consequente husselaar :P? [new]
Hoi, ik ben ongveer nu al 2uur bezig geweest met het proberen een script temaken die he...
mysql database? [new]
heeft iemand mischien nog een mysql database over? die je vanaf een anderen host kan ge...
Wat vinden jullie van dit nummer van mij? [new]
http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=G8UpZ___Ez4Het is Dance/trance muziek vandaar ok die naam...
virus scanner [new]
ik he bsinds gisteren een virus op me pc staan >.<maar als ik nu met me virus sca...
Boot Progje op Diskette? [new]
Is er een progje op een diskette, waardoor je naar de CD kan booten,Mijn Bios wilt zelf...
[Team Request] GMOT Messenger [new]
[Team Request] GMOT Messenger Hallo, wat mij leuk zou lijken is een GMOT Messenger te m...
Here come the ads? [new]
The new look YoYo-ized Game Maker Community with ads?
Six Benadryl [new]
So last night...I got bored and decided to see what would happen if I took 6 Benadryl. ...
Progressing [new]
Hey 64digits! I've been pretty busy with work and all and haven't been on at all much....
[TWIN]Subconscious [new]
(this is a typing of all my unconscious thoughts. you have been warned.)God is all that...
RapJack 2 -Alpha [new]
RapJack 2Techdemo - Alpha releaseVorweg: Ich stelle das hier rein, weil ich 1-2 Grafike...
Collision [new]
Ich habe mir von dieser Seite: http://gmc.yoyogames.com/?showtopic=96278&hl=das exa...
Zeichnen/Linie [new]
Also habe da so ein Problem... Ich möchte gerne ein ähnliches Spiel wie Inkball erste...
Festlegung von Lebensenergie, Schadenpunkten, Verteidigungspunkte und Kämpfen [new]
hey leute, nochmals eine Frage, habe schon danach hier gesucht doch bislang nix gefunde...
Versteckte Funktionen, Variablen & co. [new]
Hallo mal wieder Ich wollte man fragen, was kennt ihr alles für "versteckte"...
Figur soll dort hin gehen, wo ich hinklicke [new]
Hey Leute, meine erste Frage hier :-D also, ich habe hier eine Figur in meinem Spiel, d...
GM 5 Figur bleibt in Blöcken hängen... [new]
Games mit 3D grafik möglich? [new]
Hi Leute, ich bin neu hier und bin am überlegen mir den Gamemaker zu kaufen. Doch zuvo...
Here come the ads? [new]
The new look YoYo-ized Game Maker Community with ads?YoYoGames.com has them, The YoYo G...

Tuesday, 25 March

Simple RTS Engine
this is a simple rts engine, i describe how to add more options on how to make differen...
Aztec God [new]
Das Spiel:Die Azteken haben 2 Götter. Der Eine ist sehr fleißig und hilft ihnen, wo i...
GM 6 Pathfinding / Sprite Problem [new]
Guten Morgen GMD Gemeinde,ich habe ein Problem, dass ich auch nach langem Überlegen ni...
Bewegung [new]
Hallo Ich habe ein Problem!Bei meinem Monster (qualle) bewegen sich die Tentakel! Ich b...
GM 7 Pro | Instance_Create | Da is nix :P [new]
Hallo!Ich hab mal wieder ein Problem:Wenn ich in meinem Asteroids einen großen Asteroi...
Pro | Create > Zufällige Richtung | *Nicht ganz gelöst* [new]
Hallo!Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass das hier schon oft besprochen wurde, aber ich h...
Dll GMPhysics [new]
Grias eich Weiß jemand wo ich die GMPhysics.dll Datei downloaden kann? Hab ein Tut. ge...
[Ley] Girl Missing - Foul Play? [new]
Maybe time to call cops -- I'm not sure. Nobody is seeing the girl downstairs since th...
Rezcast Advertisement [new]
Adopting Obel's ways of exposing Rez for the insanity he shows us on his Ustream inspir...
Two Weeks [64Brawl] [new]
Sorry if you thought I was announcing a release in two weeks, though that would be nice...
ODST [new]
This is a halo game that I have been working on for about a month, which is finally rea...
~::.:[Whisky]:.::~ [new]
Yeah, You put ice cubes like me in Whisky =P.I got chewed sometimes and that hurts real...
Juju's Daily Update [new]
Since people were very supportive of ZG, I've decided to publish little updates every d...
GameMakerTech Forum on the move [new]
GameMakerTech’s notoriously unreliable forum has finally moved hosts.Connection P...
Domain change & GM-online [new]
If you haven’t noticed already, we have now officially switched over from gmnews....
Simple RTS Engine [new]
this is a simple rts engine, i describe how to add more options on how to make differen...
Nedrud Relyt²³ [new]
Well here are my top favorite male and female singers, thought I would make a blog on t...
Get your Sandwich right here! [new]
lolz.Anyway, while I was wandering around, I found this hidden page on the Gamemaker si...
25002-10000-wvsgasg [new]
[25K!] // Stop advertising your sandwiches. [new]
[b]EDIT: I had blog 25k, I got tricked into deleting it, but it was all external. Names...
~Red~ Web Design Pamphlets [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]I’m going to start doing what everybody suggeste...
yay omelets! [new]
Hey guize, long time no blog. I've come for yet again making you waste your valueble ti...
A boost in the level of my activity [new]
Hello community, I've always been active here at 64digts, but I've never been a big con...
Oh lawd is that sum 25k? [new]
Yep, I'm 4 hits away from 25k hits.Also, I plan on getting blog number 25,000 as well, ...
Merry Christmas! [17] [new]
Oops, that's December 25th, not March 25th... OH WELL! Let's move on, shall we?So after...
band jam live [new]
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/band-jamPosted by: PPP.
WEDSTRIJD: Wie is de beste DJ/Producer van Gmot? [new]
In dit topic kunnen alle DJ/Producers zich aanmelden om mee te doen aan de wedstrijd:Wi...
Muziek van mijn Radio [new]
Wat vinden jullie van de muziek van mijn radio?Nog wat tips??Geef anders een liedje doo...
[CSS/html] Enter tussen de links [new]
Ik heb een probleem, ik wil wat hyperlinks op een bepaalde positie plaatsen en gebruik ...
[php] mysql foutje [new]
[php]<?php$con = mysql_connect("*****","****","***);if (!$c...
Estiman que el futuro de la publicidad está en los videojuegos [new]
Estiman que el futuro de la publicidad está en los videojuegosInsertar paneles estÃ...
Microsft permite la creacion de juegos en Xbox360 [new]
Microsoft permite que cualquier persona cree juegos para Xbox.Microsoft planea lanzar a...
Paint.net Videotutorials [new]
Hallo liebe Community!Ich habe gerade so richtig mit Paint.net angefangen und habe zu d...
My Village Online [new]
Hallo!Hier ist mein neues GM Project: My Vilage Online!My Village Online ist eine Art v...
Domain change & GM-online
If you haven’t noticed already, we have now officially switched over from gmnews....
Estiman que el futuro de la publicidad está en los videojuegos
Estiman que el futuro de la publicidad está en los videojuegosInsertar paneles estÃ...
Microsft permite la creacion de juegos en Xbox360
Microsoft permite que cualquier persona cree juegos para Xbox.Microsoft planea lanzar a...
Simple RTS Engine
this is a simple rts engine, i describe how to add more options on how to make differen...
Estiman que el futuro de la publicidad est? en los videojuegos
Estiman que el futuro de la publicidad está en los videojuegosInsertar paneles est?t...
Estiman que el futuro de la publicidad est? en los videojuegos
Estiman que el futuro de la publicidad est? en los videojuegosInsertar paneles est?tico...
DreamLand Beta - 7.7
Elisan ,his wife Nix, their little daughter and many other good people are living in a ...
GM Tech Magazine: Updates
Moving Web Hosts This is the new GMTech host; we are hoping that we will be staying her...
Diskussionen om namnbyte är i full gång!
Jepps, hur ska det gå med UGMS' framtida namn? Ingen vet! Noes!http://www.ugms.s...

Wednesday, 26 March

GMC PM inbox size doubled [new]
The size of users personal mail inbox at the GMC has been doubled.  Members can now s...
Online Game geht nicht online ???? [new]
Ich habe eine Online enegie gedownloadet, aber wenn man zu zweit spielen will sieht man...
GM 7 Pro | Alarm "wirkt" nicht [new]
Hallo!Ich hab ein Problem mit einem Alarm:Wenn ich in einen Block fahre passiert folgen...
Dll Suche: Print DLL - Strings drucken - Oder besser ... [new]
So, hattet ihr auch ein schönes Weihnachtsfest im Schnee? Ähm, ich meine Osterfest, s...
Adobe Flash Player Cookies löschen [new]
Also, wenn man mit dem Flash Player arbeitet, legt der ja so eine ArtCookies an. (Bei V...
Pro | Zum Player schießen + drehen [new]
Hallo!Ich habe jetzt NICHT vor nachzufragen, wie man den Gegner dazu bringt, in die Ric...
Hotel Serenity [new]
Hello everybody. I hope that you are having a good day, :). I had a pretty nice one mys...
Staying out all night. What fun xD [new]
Yeah this is just something I like to do with my friends. Stay outside all night. Not c...
... *Angry* [new]
Days I can't leaveNights I can't come backThe blood on the side of my faceMoments you b...
Here I am. [new]
Well, I've taken Sk8m8trix's advice and started work on a fun online FPS. It's called I...
~Red~ Game Maker Haven's fate [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]I see you’re reading my blog, whether you wanted...
Teslaur...? [new]
Hello all.Basil, Amerup, and I have formed a game making team entitled Teslaur.We are c...
Project MMOSSB! [17] [new]
[img]http://i29.tinypic.com/21mxmbt.png[/img]NO WAI!Yep, that's a screenshot of the onl...
My computer died. [new]
R.I.P. Old computer... The power supply went out basicly. The good news is that I was...
Super Ninja Hunter Article (4) [new]
[b]White Ninjas[/b][img]http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/375/whiteninjahn5.png[/img]W...
10k hits? [new]
It seems that kilin and I are both drawing close to 10k hits. I don't mind as much as I...
GMC PM inbox size doubled [new]
The size of users personal mail inbox at the GMC has been doubled. Members can now st...
Pro | Alarm "wirkt" nicht [new]
Hallo!Ich hab ein Problem mit einem Alarm:Wenn ich in einen Block fahre passiert folgen...
Your Star
A young boy awake alone in an empty and dark mansion. He forgot all about his past and ...
Heavy Metal Ninja Shootout - 7.1
A simple shooter with a very bad 8 second bgm loop. You play a bad dude with 2 guns ve...
100 Members
Just a minor announcement. We have reached 100 registered members for the second time. ...

Thursday, 27 March

Hotel Serenity-Dacquiri Blonde [new]
Hey everybody! I am here for another Hotel Serenity update. If you don't know what Hote...
I Still Exist [new]
I do really. In my perfectly fishy state, I do exist. Just not as much on 64Digits anym...
Competition Game [new]
[img]64digits.com/users/AtomicMushroom/title2.png[/img]Above is the title screen for my...
[423] *revised* MySpace Mobile [new]
Yeah, I'm typing a blog from my iPhone again. I enabled autofill and it helps my typing...
~Red~ The a-MAZE-ing game [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]Completely off topic here, yesterday (no doubt to...
Multiplayer, engine #3 [new]
I'm starting work on a third iteration of DoC, using GMIrrlicht (which is now open sour...
Perfection [new]
[img]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6076/perfectionjj6.png[/img](4x3 is the hardest...
Creativity test [new]
Hey.Together with my mysterious fiend I was raging a monstrous storm. As I feared the e...
Halo The Betrayers Progress... [new]
Hey, 64Digits! Ha ha, I haven't blogged in a while. Apparently I'm not at all well know...
[SG] Pixelartgrid [new]
Since I haven't blogged in a while, I thought I might as well share some pixel art with...
Nuevos articulos sobre la industria española [new]
Añadidos dos nuevos articulos en la seccion de industria.Uno de ellos se trata de un...
Dual Screen Ubuntu 7.10 [new]
(ik heb al gezocht op google)Ik heb dus vandaag ubuntu perfect aan de praat gekregen, m...
Image Editor [new]
Add an Image Editor to you game without coding one.
Bombeneffekt - Instances im Umkreis zerstören (Gelöst) [new]
Hm, schon länger her, seit ich das letzte Mal eine Frage gestellt hab. Wird mal wieder...
[Open Source]Glass Menue Pack[keine Credits] [new]
Hallo Leute!Ich relase hier mal mein erstes Open Source GM Menue Icon Pack! lang o.OEs ...
GM 6 Variablen eingeben [new]
Ich hab das problem das ich gerade einen Randommap Editor programieren will und möchte...
Viren auf meinem FTP! [new]
Leute, ich kann's kaum glauben! Heute wollte ich nochmal was auf meinen FTP hochladen, ...
Nuevos articulos sobre la industria española
Añadidos dos nuevos articulos en la seccion de industria.Uno de ellos se trata de un...
Image Editor
Add an Image Editor to you game without coding one.
Nuevos articulos sobre la industria espa?ola
A?adidos dos nuevos articulos en la seccion de industria.Uno de ellos se trata de una e...
Nuevos artículos sobre la industria española
Añadidos dos nuevos articulos en la seccion de industria.Uno de ellos se trata de un...
Shumps! - 6.1
"Shumps!" is an incomplete game experiment, sleeping on my hard drive for qui...
GMTECH Wiki - Featured Wikidot website
I am happy to announce that The Game Maker Technology Wiki has been featured on the Wik...
Image Editor
Add an Image Editor to you game without coding one.

Friday, 28 March

GM-Resources [new]
GameMaking Resources is one of the many sites offering free resources for Game Maker pr...
What Do You Want to Learn [new]
There are many topics I can write about in the glog. So I would like you to indicate wh...
Review: Techno-Drone [new]
Today I spend a little time playing the game Techno-Drone written by Super-Drunk that c...
[Eddy Munn] - Story of Nothing [new]
Song of the Month "Jack Johnson - Belle"Yeah, haven't blogged much in while, ...
Creativity test part II [new]
In a world where nothing is real, where two and two equals eighty-eight, and where anim...
[quote]Now I am the famed Canadonian, fear my V3 powers.I now wear the handlebar mustac...
Contest Entry and Lazers [Kilin] [new]
[b]Announcements[/b]-Kilin has 10k hits. Those last 15 came within 5 minutes.-ChIkEn w...
Amer - Thanks [new]
Hey guys, thanks for the kind comments on my previous blog. =)If you haven't read it, i...
Development Hell [new]
Update number 4 and its a bad one. I've implemented a few new features, mainly faster s...
Software Ideeën Topic [new]
Jaa, het spreekt natuurlijk voor zich, wie heeft er een leuk idee voor mij, wat ik kan ...
server om je game online te setten en te laten downloaden [new]
wie weet een antwoordt op deze vraag server om je game online te setten en door 100 men...
Weekend mix op m,n radio [new]
Ik heb vanaf kwart over 7 tot 9 uur een weekend mix.Laat me daarna maar weten wat je er...
ITunes sluit niet :S [new]
Heey,Ik heb net ITunes geinstalleerd, omdat ik dit weekend mijn IPhone krijg. Als ik IT...
gamemakercursus.com [new]
Zoals je misschien weet geef ik in mijn vrij tijd cursus over Game Maker.Ik heb er nu e...
Game Maker Chat (of GMOT Messenger) [new]
Hallo,Hier dan snel de eerste alpha-versie van mijn webbased chat:http://gmchat.blijbol...
Anime-Haburi [new]
Ik heb me de laatste tijd kapot geergerd aan een (paar) nederlandse anime forums. Const...
[fsx] Earth Hour [new]
k, just this once [and maybe a few other times in the future] I'm adding an [fsx] thing...
Comp Project [new]
Well I'm actually nearly complete with my competition entry, just some small things to ...
Music Contest [new]
[b]Music contest[/b]Guess what, gentlemen? You only have this weekend to finish your so...
[RX] The Human Race is Doomed [new]
It is. We all have heard of it before. We all know it's coming.It probably started ou...
.com FTW O_O [new]
I splitted this blog into nice little sections so if you don't care about any bit you c...
~Red~ GMH Update [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]Hello, 64Digits, today is March 28 2008, almost t...
fitnessnavigatie.nl [new]
ben op dit moment druk bezig geweest om een site te maken voor een schoolopdrachthierbi...
LegoBrick béta - Post je eigen Lego creaties! [new]
Ik ben alweer bezig met een nieuwe site LegoBrickOp http://legobrick.987mb.com kan iede...
FTP Account (DirectAdmin) [new]
Hallo, als ik in DirectAdmin ben (voor het aanpassen van mijn website),kan ik een FTP A...
Dateiabfrage [new]
Folgendes Problem: Ich will, dass das Spiel nur dann gestartet wird, wenn eine Datei na...
Konstante wärend des Spiels erstellen [new]
Hallo Leute!Ist es irgendwie möglich, eine Konstante während des Spiels zu erstellen?...
image_index nicht gerade [new]
Hi,ich habe gerade etwas herausgefunden, da ein Code mit der Bedingung if(image_index=0...
Confused! [new]
I'm confused...wait...maybe I'm not?!In Confused! geht es darum, aus verschiedenen Far...
Collisionsproblem [new]
Ich habe ein Problem mit der Collision von meiner Spielerfigur und eines Objekts.Der Sp...
"Lernende" KI [new]
Hi an die ganze Community!Um hier wieder mal ein neues Thema zu eröffnen, bevor diese ...
Forenspiel: Der magische Münzautomat [new]
An alle mods: Über Forenspiele steht nichts in den Regeln, daher nehme ich an, dass si...
What Do You Want to Learn
There are many topics I can write about in the glog. So I would like you to indicate wh...
Review: Techno-Drone
Today I spend a little time playing the game Techno-Drone written by Super-Drunk that c...

Saturday, 29 March

Primality test
A simple primality test. Learn how to determine if an integer is a prime or not.
Newsline March 29th [new]
A short update for you.Some nice PR here ….. I wrote a short article or two for a...
iGameMaker [new]
Sandy Duncan has mentioned on his blog the possibility of making Game Maker games compa...
New GameMaker Blog lineup [new]
After nearly a year online I am pleased to announce that GameMaker Blog now has secured...
GMTech Wiki [new]
[i]A bit of a blatant advert this, but I reckon people will like this a lot[/i][center]...
Sup Brazzzzzzzzzz [new]
Yeah Man >,
[423] 423 [new]
i'm typing this blog on the way home. Hopefully, I'll be able to find a free WiFi hub a...
Pride, Meaning, Loss and Happiness [new]
"I've read [well known, controversial, your-run-of-the-mill, challenges society ki...
Your mission is simpleYour method, uniquehttp://businessweek.com/innovate/bwarcade/arch...
Deadheat: A new game [new]
BlastforceAn exploration / adventure game featuring a massive world to explore and an e...
Wie heeft worms world party? [new]
Hoi, is er hier iemand die worms world party heeft en 1 keer online tegen mij wlit spel...
{FCUK} Late. [new]
I'm writing this at 23:10:22 GMT, Saturday 29th March, 2008. For someone who is used to...
6k Hits (almost) Lolz [new]
Well, almost...funny thing is, I have been here for a while, it seems like I should hav...
$KaBlog[11] = 'Collectible'; [new]
I like collecting things, always have. My current goal in collection is to collect all ...
I, too, feel alone [‡] [new]
[i]Where have I been all this time?Lost and slain, fatal declineI've been waiting for t...
I got something RARE!!??!! [new]
Today I have found out I actually own something that is very rare!I can't believe it!!W...
Avast ye Scurvey Dogs! [new]
I be makin' a game full of plunderin' an' lootin', so weigh the anchor, and hoist ... t...
Hacking [new]
Well, some people have stuff to say, and I don't want to make a news post about it, so ...
spel gezocht! [new]
Ik heb eens een spel gespeeld waarbij je met trampolinetjes en nog andere dingen een pa...
[php]random 2 TRANSPARANTE plaatjes [new]
ik wil een pagina dat het menu steeds veranderd kwa image dus random image tussen 2 ima...
Google zoeken, voor beginners [new]
InleidingOmdat sommige op dit forum moeite hebben met zoeken met Google, is hier een tu...
Gratis online Photoshop [new]
Citaat van: Nu.nlWie zijn foto’s op een professionele manier wil bewerken, kan haast...
YYG Full Update & Earth Hour [new]
Sandy Duncan has made another post on the YoYo Games official Glog detailing some of th...
Profanity & Poetry [new]
[i]"Our soul is like a butterfly that is forever flowing in a meadow of continious...
Perfection updated [new]
[img]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/8056/archxb5.png[/img]I changed the game to a l...
ignore this blog [new]
you're not going to read it.[b]Warning: This blog is long[/b][center][b]If it's 8:00PM ...
[A] Change is (normally) good [new]
[b] Blog Title [/b]-Change is what makes my life less monotonous, and it's already bor...
Toadsanime Update No.1 - Hi! ^.^ [new]
Hi there! As you may or may not of noticed, I've only just joined this lovely little co...
Brawlin' [Kilin] [new]
As if you didn't hear enough about Smash Bros. Brawl, I'm gonna talk about it for a min...
~Red~ Songs I'm listening to [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]I figured I’d write a blog that’s a little diff...
6k Hits Lolz [new]
Well, almost...funny thing is, I have been here for a while, it seems like I should hav...
GM 7 Gta [new]
Kann mir mal einer Helfen weil,ich will ein gta 2 spiel machen aber es geht net mit den...
aus einer liste an linien eine form machen [new]
also ich habe nun ein kleines prog geschriebn das erst einmal einen Array macht und dor...
Isometric Problem [new]
Ich habe das beispiel von Yoyo-Games für Isometric gedownloadet. Ich habe das wall spr...
Your mission is simpleYour method, uniquehttp://businessweek.com/innovate/bwarcade/arch...
Deadheat: A new game
BlastforceAn exploration / adventure game featuring a massive world to explore and an e...
Newsline March 29th
A short update for you.Some nice PR here ….. I wrote a short article or two for a...
YYG Full Update & Earth Hour
Sandy Duncan has made another post on the YoYo Games official Glog detailing some of th...
Copies the contents of the cells in the region in grid source to grid id. xpos and ypos...
Trajan's Column
Casual tower building game, based on Digital Chocolate's Tower Bloxx. Drop column ...
Copies the contents of the cells in the region in grid source to grid id. xpos and ypos...
Copies the contents of the cells in the region in grid source to grid id. xpos and ypos...

Sunday, 30 March

Prodigy GM does it all [new]
It seems every time we turn around the Prodigy GM is creating something new and loved b...
[423] @ All of 64Digits [new]
[h1]DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH ALL OF THESE GUESTS!!![/h1]Yeah, this is what I do when I...
Games in General: new GMC section [new]
GMC becomes off-topic. "We have decided to create this new forum because many of us...
Sandy speaks: GameMaker 8 in 2009 [new]
CEO of YoYo Games Sandy Duncan has revealed some interesting information about the futu...
Server Liste mit der 39dll [new]
Ich habe da mal noch eine Frage zur 39dll. Ist es möglich das man eine Server Liste vo...
Erkennung funkt. nicht [new]
Wieso geht das nicht? Wieso erstellt das Ding kein obj_schuss ???Schaut es euch bitte m...
39 DLL ohne Port freigabe? [new]
Hallo Leute!Ich experimentiere gereade ein bischen mit der 39DLL. Ich kann aber komisch...
Wie kann ich ein 3d Model im Dateiformat *.gml öffnen/ einfügen? [new]
Hey Leute Ich habe mal wieder ein kleines Problem: weiss jemand von euch vielleicht wie...
GameMaker Pro kaufen [new]
Hi Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich die GameMaker Version Pro kaufen kann? Wenn ich richti...
CBNA Drag and Drop Decoder [new]
Hallo, Ich komme aus der französischen Gemeinschaft game maker (CBNA) und ich habe ein...
Bling Island mit Online Highscore [new]
Hallo Leute,ich habe einem Freund von mir den Game Maker geraten und erfand ihn echt su...
Raum-Frage [new]
Hallo. Also ich möchte in meinem Spiel machen, dass wenn z.B.: Der Spieler einen besti...
Dll Fenster-Titel als String auslesen [new]
Gibt es eine DLL die den Head-Text, also den Titel, des momentan aktiven Fensters anzei...
Sprites über Internet übertragen [new]
Hallo erstmal.Ich hab ne Frage: Wie kann man Dateien, wie z.B. Sprites, bei einem Inter...
get_pixel in anderem program [new]
Ist es möglich den get pixel befehl in einem anderen Program, z.B. minesweeper einzuse...
GMBed, Free Instant Play Alternative [new]
The folks over at the G-Java forums (specifically TGMG) have been working on a very int...
[ROLF] Undead Rampage Live. [new]
Yo.I've been working on UR a lot lately to get the second demo done. It won't be long u...
So, I got SMF a week ago, and nobody noticed. =(I'm in the progress of CSSing it, and I...
The third installment on my self told biography of Canadonian.Knowing that FredfredRick...
GMBED (beta test) [new]
This is my latest small project. it embeds ANY GM/G-Creator/enigma game inside the webs...
Slordig. [new]
Since I've got testweek at school, it's the ultimate moment to try and complete a small...
[F13] Unprepared [new]
[h1]F1ak3r's Weekly Weblog - Sunday 30 March 2008[/h1]Hello, and welcome to you, blog r...
[423] ignore dabridge's blog [new]
I just figured out that I have this really, really strong non-sexual fetish for annoyin...
laptop gecrasht.. [new]
Uhm, ik heb dus een beetje een probleem..Want mijn laptop is gecrasht.. Eerst liep hij ...
[html] Niet achter elkaar. [new]
Ik wil een menu maken en dat heb ik met paint gemaakt en dan weer opgedeeld en dit als ...
GrimmBurg rpg [new]
Zegt de topic titel al Grimmburg rpg BeroepenRidderKracht 5 | 0/100Snelheid 2 | 0/100Ve...
[C++] dll-vraag(en) [new]
Ik ben sinds kort weer bezig met* C++, maar nu wil ik in een dll bepaalde variabelen ku...
A Picture Worth 1000 Zombies [new]
Pretty much what the title says. I'll leave you to figure out the rest yourselves. It d...
Seizures [new]
Last night I had a seizure, it was the first one I've actually been awake for. I've kno...
$KaBlog[12] = 'Loaf'; [new]
[b]http://tz-c.com/ now has game submissions!Log in today and get your game/demo hosted...
Need beta testers. [new]
I've just about wrapped things up for my comp. project, name Shield Breaker and have cr...
~Red~ More about me part 1 [new]
[b][color=red]Introduction[/color][/b]Well, I’m back with another blog, not that it se...
Games in General: new GMC section
GMC becomes off-topic. "We have decided to create this new forum because many of us...
Sandy speaks: GameMaker 8 in 2009
CEO of YoYo Games Sandy Duncan has revealed some interesting information about the futu...
GMBed, Free Instant Play Alternative
The folks over at the G-Java forums (specifically TGMG) have been working on a very int...

Monday, 31 March

FLaiL [new]
My newest platformer, FLaiL, has been released!You can download it on the Play page!
FLaiL [new]
You will flail.
GM Fetch magazine [new]
Competition? Well, I wouldn’t worry (yet?). 6 pages of content: interview, 4 exte...
GMBed: (Illegally) Embedding Games [new]
Over the last few days there have been many posts about Free Instant Play Alternatives....
Eating [new]
I just looked at my desk, and around my desk, and my entire room for that matter, and s...
[DSG] POSSIBLY in a town NEAR YOU! [new]
Yea, I'm on the move. I'm in KENTUCKY for spring break [LAME] to visit my granny and he...
Picking a soundtrack [new]
I can simply say now that picking a soundtrack for virtually anything, in my case, prov...
In de Website [new]
Hallo, ik heb een forum, en een website.Nu wil ik dat het forum in de website komt.Maar...
Auto pic cutter [new]
Is er een programma wat afbeeldingen groter dan 1 a4 blaadje op maat snijd zodat je de ...
Dj Geoff de site. [new]
Ik heb een site gemaakt voor mijn tweede persoonlijkheid DJ GEOFF.Hebben jullie nog opm...
Attack causes GMC load times [new]
Since the forum upgrade, many users have started complaining about long loading times f...
Rock Band's awesomeness is up by x/o [new]
Seriously, the most insanely awesome thing in the game is the DLC. Anybody with a 360 o...
Too obscure for ya²³ [new]
Well, since all my past few blogs have been about music, I thought I would do another o...
Last day! [new]
Just a reminder that today is your last day to submit a song for our humble music conte...
[VH] An interesting turn of events. [new]
VH here with some of the latest and (not really) the greatest. As the title says, there...
GMBED 1.0 Browser embed Games [new]
I have released gmbed 1.0 for more information and test:http://forums.g-java.com/index....
Registration Works Again [new]
I've fixed the registration (which I suppose must have been broken for some time now), ...
YoYoGames Merger [new]
[size=14]Attention 64digits users:We are happy to announce a Merger of 64digits.com and...
Kann man malen wirklich lernen? [new]
Ja hi.Ich quäle mich damit herum mir so Anime Personen auf dem Computer zu malen ,aber...
MMORPG und andere Onlinegames - Kostet das was? [new]
Hi, ich möchte mal gerne gegen andere dieser Welt im Spiel antreten. Ein MMORPG wie ba...
Fehlermeldung [new]
Ich hab immer wenn ich auf die Hauptseite gehe diese Fehlermeldung :  &nbs...
My newest platformer, FLaiL, has been released!You can download it on the Play page!
You will flail.
GM Fetch magazine
Competition? Well, I wouldn’t worry (yet?). 6 pages of content: interview, 4 exte...
GMBed: (Illegally) Embedding Games
Over the last few days there have been many posts about Free Instant Play Alternatives....
Registration Works Again
I've fixed the registration (which I suppose must have been broken for some time now), ...
Attack causes GMC load times
Since the forum upgrade, many users have started complaining about long loading times f...
relieve stress
i made this song on fl sudio, if you want i for your project take it. but i want to kno...
My newest platformer, FLaiL, has been released!You can download it on the Play page!
You will flail.
You will flail.
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