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March 2008

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Mark's Glog

Thursday, 6 March

GDCSE’08 [new]
The last five days I participated in GDCSE’08, a conference on using game develop...
The last five days I participated in GDCSE’08, a conference on using game develop...

Sunday, 23 March

How to Become a Staff Pick [new]
On the GMC Forum the question was asked how to make sure that your game becomes a staff...
How to Become a Staff Pick
On the GMC Forum the question was asked how to make sure that your game becomes a staff...

Friday, 28 March

What Do You Want to Learn [new]
There are many topics I can write about in the glog. So I would like you to indicate wh...
Review: Techno-Drone [new]
Today I spend a little time playing the game Techno-Drone written by Super-Drunk that c...
What Do You Want to Learn
There are many topics I can write about in the glog. So I would like you to indicate wh...
Review: Techno-Drone
Today I spend a little time playing the game Techno-Drone written by Super-Drunk that c...

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« February 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 »