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August 2008

Archive Archive

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Game Maker News

Friday, 1 August

July 2008 Prize Winner(s)!
Wow! What a month, and thanks to all of you who contributed to the site The first and ...

Thursday, 7 August

GM TV Startup Wars
Recently there has been a trend of users starting up or planning Game Maker based TV/vi...

Saturday, 9 August

Enigma r3 Released
The much anticipated revision three release of Enigma has just been made publicly avail...

Wednesday, 13 August

YYG Help Desk
On the 20th of June this year, I sent a support ticket into the YoYo Games help desk. I...

Tuesday, 19 August

Glog - GMWeekly - ‘Amazing Code’
The YoYo Games Glog received an official update today. Boasting an updated version of W...

Wednesday, 20 August

G-Wiki - GMC Stats
The YoYo Games glog has been updated again, this time with a post from Mark Overmars. T...

Thursday, 21 August

Glog again? - GMSchool Downhill
For a third time in three days, the YoYo Games glog has been updated with yet another p...

Monday, 25 August

Glog - Competition 03, Softwrap? [new]
The previously inactive and almost dead official Glog has suddenly become the cool plac...
Glog - Competition 03, Softwrap?
The previously inactive and almost dead official Glog has suddenly become the cool plac...

Sunday, 31 August

Elmernite’s Prize & YYG Glog [new]
Elmernite, last month’s GMNews contribution prize winner, has been kind enough to...
Elmernite’s Prize & YYG Glog
Elmernite, last month’s GMNews contribution prize winner, has been kind enough to...

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