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Sprechen sie Deutsch? Sprechen sie Deutsch?

With the wonderful help off Windapple from www.gm-d.de our website is now fully usable in German as well.
Are you an international Game Maker user and want to help translate this site or if you want to have your content featured then contact us. We are constantly looking for partners to expand Game Maker.info to even more users and expand it with even more services.
Enjoy the service and do let us know what you think of it.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 25 November 2006

About Simon Donkers About Simon Donkers

Simon Donkers is a 21 year old student Technical Physics with an extensive portfolio of Games and GameMaker resources. He is a member of Eo GDC and an admin on the NGMC.
See my portfolio for more info.

About Johannes Stoop About Johannes Stoop

Johannes Stoop is the founder of the NGMC. In his spare time he likes to design websites, about many different subjects.