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Game Maker.info Blog

Game Maker.info Blog Game Maker.info Blog


Game Maker.info Blog

Last update:
16 minutes ago
97 users
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Game Maker.info Blog Game Maker.info Blog

24 Oct: Some news updates
Over the last month we received a lot of messages from people who appreciate our work a...
15 Sep: Featured: Customize
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? A...
8 Sep: Featured: Game Maker manual
With the site slowly gaining more and more users I'd like to light out another new feat...
1 Sep: Featured: Game Maker Search
After the first week with our new design I'd like to light out an underappreciated feat...
25 Aug: Game Maker.info renewed
Game Maker.info has undergone a complete metamorphose. While the site still offers all ...
1 Jan: Best of wishes for 2007
We'd like to wish everyone the best of wishes for 2007 and we are looking forward to an...
9 Dec: Game Maker 7 beta 1
Game Maker 7 beta 1 out now!Mark Overmars has just officially released Game Maker 7.0 b...
25 Nov: Sprechen sie Deutsch?
With the wonderful help off Windapple from www.gm-d.de our website is now fully usable ...
20 Nov: Game Maker Isometric city added
In collaboration with DreamIsle we have made Game Maker Isometric City available from t...
14 Oct: Vous parlez Francais?
Thanks to the generous help from Theo Keeler aka Flashback from Music Lib our website ...