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GM Tutorials

GM Tutorials GM Tutorials

GM Tutorials GM Tutorials

GM Tutorials

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GM Tutorials GM Tutorials

30 dec: Double Jump Example
6 dec: limiting vision
trying to reveal only what is within LOS. Why does the player sprite get embedded in th...
5 dec: limiting sight
How can I hide what is out of line-of-sight?
28 sep: Functions
How do we use and put the function on the game?
30 aug: Ds list
teaches you how to make a ds list :D
28 aug: level editor
this is a level editor where you can create your own level in a easy way... all the cha...
11 jul: particle system
shows particles deflector and attractors
18 jun: drawing engine
a simple painting engine, shift for green, enter for yellow, space for blue, cntl for b...
16 jun: swimming engine
a platformer with water to swim in
16 jun: draw platformer
draw the platforms and get to the goal
15 jun: drag and drop platformer
drag the logs around to reach your goal arrow keys to move
15 jun: water physics
bounce the water to the tree with the trampolines
14 jun: arcade games
a scrolling shooter, planes, a 360 turret defense game, 360td, and a kind of mouse esca...
31 mei: doule arrays
how to use and make double arrays
19 mei: Accounts deleted
Mass account deletion.
9 mei: how to make and use cheats
how to do and make cheats
19 apr: Account reset
All registered accounts are now required to activate there account.
30 mrt: Email activation now required
Email activation now required
13 feb: Draggable Objects Method 3
A smoother and more accurate method for dragging objects in game.
13 feb: Draggable Objects Method 2
A smoother method for dragging objects in game.