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February 2007

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Blogfeed @ Eo Community

Warning Not all messages this old are fully archived

Saturday, 3 February

Our secret game project is complete!
It's complete! It's finally complete! Yowza! *dances*...well, almost. The Eo-...

Thursday, 8 February

Three Upcoming Games
If you've been following my blogs, you're probably sick and tired of hearing ...

Monday, 12 February

Bad Habit
It seems I have the habit of making games that are not all that fun to play. First I ma...

Tuesday, 13 February

Thai Creative Identity
If you studied Sociology, you should've come across Social Relativity. It states t...

Tuesday, 20 February

1,000 Reflect Gamers
As is commonplace with Apple's X Server, we (my work) currently have the server sh...

Sunday, 25 February

Eo Website suggestions
Recently in a lengthy ceremony I have been granted control over the monkeys that run th...

Wednesday, 28 February

Wacom + Fetch = Oh Goodie
So, I decided to finally purchase myself a tablet, and decided on the Wacom Graphite4 6...

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