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September 2007

Archive Archive

« August 2007 | September 2007 | October 2007 »

Tutorials and Examples

Friday, 14 September

Unregistered Rotation
With Moving car and rotation - Posted by garrlker
2d Cloaking Effect
Registered .gm6 - Posted by BenRK

Saturday, 15 September

Realistic Fire Example
Fire Particles that are Somewhat Real! - Posted by gypt_ice
Example Of Water Waves
(gm6), edit: new links - Posted by Keth
Loading External Resources
Made Easy - Posted by Palondrome

Sunday, 16 September

Collision Checking For Fast Objects
*Closed. Link Broken.* - Posted by Arkano
360 Shot And Shot Explode Example
An intro - intermediate level example - Posted by DiasRaven

Monday, 17 September

Car Engine / Example [new]
300 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
Easy To Customize Menu Example! [new]
It looks professional! - Posted by macxthegamer
Easy To Customize Menu Example!
It looks professional! - Posted by macxthegamer

Tuesday, 18 September

Infinite Space Example [new]
Make rooms that go on... forever! - Posted by Kyle_Solo
Configurable Controls Example [new]
Allows user to decide what keys to use. - Posted by Big J
Configurable Controls Example
Allows user to decide what keys to use. - Posted by Big J

Wednesday, 19 September

Fast Smooth Light And Shadow Example V3.0! [new]
Top-down example (light stops at wall) - Posted by Keth
Mouse Controlled Menu Example/tutorial [new]
200+ downloads - "very nice" - 225popcap - Posted by me123
Easy One-object Rain [new]
Well commented rain engine - Posted by ryguydavis
Fast Smooth Light And Shadow Example V3.0!
Top-down example (light stops at wall) - Posted by Keth
Mouse Controlled Menu Example/tutorial
200+ downloads - "very nice" - 225popcap - Posted by me123
Easy One-object Rain
Well commented rain engine - Posted by ryguydavis

Thursday, 20 September

Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Healthbar Example! [new]
How to make more than one healthbar! - Posted by stubbjax02
Menu Example ~ 405+ Dls! [new]
"Well done" Update!! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
Lazy Tilesets [new]
For all those lazy people - Posted by Mice
Cheat System
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Wormslike 2d Engine
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Menu Example ~ 560+ Dls!
"Well done" Update!! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake

Friday, 21 September

Drawing To Object Example [new]
Now it's easy as... - Posted by jakman4242
Follow Another Object Example 1.0 [new]
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Knife Lodging [new]
for unregistred ppl - Posted by grumpymonkey
Mini-map Example [new]
Without scaling sprites, documented - Posted by Evilish
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Simple Healthbar Example [new]
Drawing a graphical healthbar. - Posted by Solace-CS
Curving Shot Example [new]
You know it! - Posted by jakman4242
Drawing To Object Example
Now it's easy as... - Posted by jakman4242
Mini-map Example
Without scaling sprites, documented - Posted by Evilish

Saturday, 22 September

Learn Gml From Scratch [new]
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Follow Another Object Example 1.0 [new]
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Knife Lodging [new]
for unregistred ppl - Posted by grumpymonkey
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Simple Healthbar Example [new]
Drawing a graphical healthbar. - Posted by Solace-CS
Curving Shot Example [new]
You know it! - Posted by jakman4242
Curving Shot Example
You know it! - Posted by jakman4242
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles
Simple Healthbar Example
Drawing a graphical healthbar. - Posted by Solace-CS

Sunday, 23 September

Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Clock Example [new]
Posted by Nixa
Rpg Example [new]
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991

Monday, 24 September

Car Engine / Example [new]
300 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
1 Object Buttons Example [new]
useful for menus etc. - Posted by metal-games
Realistic Fire Example [new]
Fire Particles that are Somewhat Real! - Posted by gypt_ice
Infinite Space Example [new]
Make rooms that go on... forever! - Posted by Kyle_Solo
Clock Example [new]
gm6 & gmk - Posted by Nixa
How To Make An Awesome Tank [new]
Fully Working Tank With Turret - Posted by Zorgges
Healthbar Example! [new]
How to make more than one healthbar! - Posted by stubbjax02
Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial [new]
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Rpg Example [new]
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Car Engine / Example [new]
465 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake

Tuesday, 25 September

Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Clock Example [new]
gm6 & gmk - Posted by Nixa
How To Make An Awesome Tank [new]
Fully Working Tank With Turret - Posted by Zorgges
Healthbar Example! [new]
How to make more than one healthbar! - Posted by stubbjax02
Clock Example
gm6 & gmk - Posted by Nixa

Wednesday, 26 September

Lazy Tilesets [new]
For all those lazy people. "99999/10" - Posted by Mice
Knife Lodging [new]
for unregistred ppl - Posted by grumpymonkey
1 Object Buttons Example [new]
useful for menus etc. - Posted by metal-games
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Axias
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Knife Lodging
for unregistred ppl - Posted by grumpymonkey
1 Object Buttons Example
useful for menus etc. - Posted by metal-games
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Axias

Thursday, 27 September

Running Game Maker 6 [new]
in wine - Posted by cheeseboy16
Running Game Maker 6 [new]
in wine - Posted by cheeseboy16
Lazy Tilesets [new]
For all those lazy people. "99999/10" - Posted by Mice

Friday, 28 September

Running Game Maker 6
in wine - Posted by cheeseboy16

Saturday, 29 September

Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Text Appears When Over Button
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm

Sunday, 30 September

Car Engine / Example [new]
465 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
A Tad More Advanced Tank Tutorial
firing at mouse, rotation - Posted by general sirhc
Wormslike 2d Engine
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Jump Through Platforms
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Car Engine / Example
465 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake

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« August 2007 | September 2007 | October 2007 »