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October 2007

Archive Archive

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Tutorials and Examples

Monday, 1 October

A Soldier's Inventory [new]
A unique kind of inventory system - Posted by dRuNkEn ImMoRtAl
Lazy Tilesets [new]
For all those lazy people. "99999/10" - Posted by Mice
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
A Soldier's Inventory
A unique kind of inventory system - Posted by dRuNkEn ImMoRtAl
Lazy Tilesets
For all those lazy people. "99999/10" - Posted by Mice
Simple Platformer Example.
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521

Tuesday, 2 October

Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Sprite Health [new]
Like draw lives as sprite, but more! - Posted by Mice
Realistic Fire Example [new]
Fire Particles that are Somewhat Real! - Posted by gypt_ice
Cheat System
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Sprite Health
Like draw lives as sprite, but more! - Posted by Mice
Realistic Fire Example
Fire Particles that are Somewhat Real! - Posted by gypt_ice

Wednesday, 3 October

Follow Another Object Example 1.0 [new]
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Follow Another Object Example 1.0
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9

Thursday, 4 October

Example Of Water Waves [new]
(gm6), edit: new links - Posted by Keth

Friday, 5 October

Cheat Code Example/tutorial [new]
example if yor a noob - Posted by CJizzle01
Fancy Help Made Easy [new]
how to create in-game pop-up help - Posted by Mark Overmars
Shatter Effect [new]
A Clumsy but working way to achieve it - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Tower Defense Example [new]
Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Natho's Legendary Inventory [new]
Download v1.0 - Posted by Natho
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Fancy Help Made Easy
how to create in-game pop-up help - Posted by Mark Overmars

Saturday, 6 October

Cheat Code Example/tutorial [new]
example if yor a noob - Posted by CJizzle01
Natho's Legendary Inventory [new]
Download v1.0 - Posted by Natho
Afterimage Tutorial [new]
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath
Example Of Water Waves [new]
(gm6), edit: new links - Posted by Keth
Tower Defense Example [new]
Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Easy 3d Sound - By Fede-lasse [new]
Easy-to-use script. - Posted by fede-lasse
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Axias
Mouse Effect [new]
Posted by Zyyn
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Cheat Code Example/tutorial
example if yor a noob - Posted by CJizzle01
Example Of Water Waves
(gm6), edit: new links - Posted by Keth

Sunday, 7 October

How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin

Monday, 8 October

Shatter Effect [new]
A Clumsy but working way to achieve it - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Drawing Thick Lines [new]
script for drawing thick lines in 6.x - Posted by DesertFox

Tuesday, 9 October

Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
3d Weapons [new]
Posted by mechanikos
Unregistered Rotation [new]
With Moving car and rotation - Posted by garrlker

Wednesday, 10 October

Shatter Effect [new]
A Clumsy but working way to achieve it - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
Radar/minimap All Room Sizes [new]
Fully adjustable radar/minimap uses view - Posted by ArtySpace
Easy 3d Sound - By Fede-lasse [new]
Easy-to-use script. - Posted by fede-lasse
Advanced Clock Example [new]
Posted by samscam
Car Engine / Example [new]
465 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
Mouse Effect [new]
Posted by Zyyn
Natho's Legendary Inventory [new]
Download v1.0 - Posted by Natho
Afterimage Effect Tutorial & Example [new]
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Resident Evil Inventory [new]
How to make your own RE inventory - Posted by killerelectro

Thursday, 11 October

Radar/minimap All Room Sizes [new]
Fully adjustable radar/minimap uses view - Posted by ArtySpace
Joy 2 Key Example (gml - Dnd Coming Soon) [new]
I've seen a few people asking for this - Posted by Postality
Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Easy 3d Sound - By Fede-lasse [new]
Easy-to-use script. - Posted by fede-lasse
Afterimage Effect Tutorial & Example [new]
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath

Friday, 12 October

Mouse Effect [new]
Posted by Zyyn
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Unregistered Rotation [new]
With Moving car and rotation - Posted by garrlker
Playing *.swf Files In Game Maker [new]
Heres how to do it cleanly and properly - Posted by freaked
Natho's Legendary Inventory [new]
Download v1.0 - Posted by Natho
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse [new]
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial [new]
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Spiceupyourgametuts Lesson1: [new]
Menus and clock - Posted by General McSlave
Mouselook For Tds! [new]
No more will it be point and click! - Posted by Mice

Saturday, 13 October

Advanced Clock Example [new]
Posted by samscam
Advanced Clock Example
Posted by samscam

Monday, 15 October

Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Dragging Rooms (tutorial) [new]
Sorry this field is too short. - Posted by Aidiakapi
Double Jump Example [new]
Posted by waaaaaaah
Mouselook For Tds! [new]
No more will it be point and click! - Posted by Mice

Tuesday, 16 October

Spiceupyourgametuts Lesson1: [new]
Menus and clock - Posted by General McSlave
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Gateway Example [new]
Open and shut a gate with spacebar. - Posted by PL productions
Pokémon Goldensky Engine [new]
Posted by Pidgeot
A Tad More Advanced Tank Tutorial [new]
firing at mouse, rotation - Posted by general sirhc

Wednesday, 17 October

Rpg Character Placement Tutorial / Example [new]
New Room; Correct sprite and location... - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Instance Creation Code [new]
Sheading light on a little known feature - Posted by Chronic
Gm Mode7 [new]
Posted by Arkano
Afterimage Effect Tutorial & Example [new]
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath
Sprite Health [new]
Like draw lives as sprite, but more! - Posted by Mice
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Extensive Particles Tutorial [new]
Covers every area of particles! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Gm Mode7
Posted by Arkano
Afterimage Effect Tutorial & Example
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath
Sprite Health
Like draw lives as sprite, but more! - Posted by Mice
In-game Loading Bar
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Extensive Particles Tutorial
Covers every area of particles! - Posted by RhysAndrews

Thursday, 18 October

Spawn At Random Spawn Point [new]
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga
2d Flail Weapon Example [new]
semi-realistic - Posted by jabelar
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse [new]
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Mouse Controlled Menu Example/tutorial [new]
200+ downloads - "very nice" - 225popcap - Posted by me123
Playing *.swf Files In Game Maker [new]
Heres how to do it cleanly and properly - Posted by freaked
2d Shooting. [new]
Shoot Like in Duck Doom Deluxe. :] - Posted by clod14
Rpg Character Placement Tutorial / Example [new]
New Room; Correct sprite and location... - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Hiro's Platform Engine
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Mouse Controlled Menu Example/tutorial
200+ downloads - "very nice" - 225popcap - Posted by me123
Rpg Character Placement Tutorial / Example
New Room; Correct sprite and location... - Posted by jsmithLMSL

Friday, 19 October

Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 100+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Resident Evil Inventory [new]
How to make your own RE inventory - Posted by killerelectro
Playing *.swf Files In Game Maker [new]
Heres how to do it cleanly and properly - Posted by freaked
2d Shooting. [new]
Shoot Like in Duck Doom Deluxe. :] - Posted by clod14
Move To Mouse Click [new]
click and make your player move there - Posted by lilneo
Scollbars Using Views Example [new]
Vertical/horizontal with arrows/sliders - Posted by jabelar
Move To Mouse Click
click and make your player move there - Posted by lilneo
Playing *.swf Files In Game Maker
Heres how to do it cleanly and properly - Posted by freaked
2d Shooting.
Shoot Like in Duck Doom Deluxe. :] - Posted by clod14

Saturday, 20 October

Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 100+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Resident Evil Inventory [new]
How to make your own RE inventory - Posted by killerelectro
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Spawn At Random Spawn Point [new]
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 100+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Learn Gml From Scratch [new]
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 200+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Resident Evil Inventory
How to make your own RE inventory - Posted by killerelectro

Sunday, 21 October

Spawn At Random Spawn Point [new]
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga
2d Flail Weapon Example [new]
semi-realistic - Posted by jabelar
A Tad More Advanced Tank Tutorial [new]
firing at mouse, rotation - Posted by general sirhc
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
Rpg Example [new]
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Spawn At Random Spawn Point [new]
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga
2d Flail Weapon Example
semi-realistic - Posted by jabelar
A Tad More Advanced Tank Tutorial
firing at mouse, rotation - Posted by general sirhc
Simple Platformer Example.
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
Rpg Example
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Fake 3d Physics Example
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Spawn At Random Spawn Point
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga

Monday, 22 October

Basic Gml Lesson 1 [new]
[UPDATED : JUNE 7 2007] - Posted by AaronSaltsman0_o
Follow Another Object Example 1.0 [new]
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Scollbars Using Views Example [new]
Vertical/horizontal with arrows/sliders - Posted by jabelar
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse [new]
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Instance Creation Code [new]
Sheading light on a little known feature - Posted by Chronic
Waypoint Racing Example [new]
faking ai - Posted by Eva unit-01
Follow Another Object Example 1.0
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Waypoint Racing Example
faking ai - Posted by Eva unit-01

Tuesday, 23 October

Basic Gml Lesson 1 [new]
[UPDATED : JUNE 7 2007] - Posted by AaronSaltsman0_o
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
Scollbars Using Views Example [new]
Vertical/horizontal with arrows/sliders - Posted by jabelar
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse [new]
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Instance Creation Code [new]
Sheading light on a little known feature - Posted by Chronic
Detailization (now Commented) [new]
Posted by pepolshet
Scollbars Using Views Example
Vertical/horizontal with arrows/sliders - Posted by jabelar
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Tower Defense Engine
For unregistered! "7/10" - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Instance Creation Code
Sheading light on a little known feature - Posted by Chronic

Wednesday, 24 October

How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho

Thursday, 25 October

Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Hiro's Platform Engine
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord

Friday, 26 October

Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 250+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Ai Command Stack [new]
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
Learn Gml From Scratch [new]
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Nice Looking Scrolling Starfield [new]
Making a space shooter??? - Posted by felpman
Basic Gml Lesson 1 [new]
[UPDATED : JUNE 7 2007] - Posted by AaronSaltsman0_o
Drop Shadowed Text [new]
Easy shadowed text. - Posted by ArtySpace
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 250+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
View Auto Zoom, Like Super Smash Bros [new]
Keep multiple objects always in view - Posted by jabelar
Pokemon Walking (unreg) [new]
Pokemon walk, doors, deactivating. - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Object As A Healthbar [new]
Posted by jcgurango

Saturday, 27 October

Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 350+ downloads! - Posted by trigger22
Ai Command Stack [new]
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
Learn Gml From Scratch [new]
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Ai Command Stack
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
Learn Gml From Scratch
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Savefile Menus V2
No more dialog boxes! 350+ downloads! - Posted by trigger22

Sunday, 28 October

Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Pause Game Example [new]
Very easy to use!! - Posted by Josho13
Basic Script And Gml Tutorial [new]
Learn scripting and GML with this! - Posted by Fyeregg

Monday, 29 October

Basic Gml Lesson 1 [new]
[UPDATED : JUNE 7 2007] - Posted by AaronSaltsman0_o
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Pokemon Walking (unreg) "9.5/10" [new]
Pokemon walk, doors, deactivating. - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Wormslike 2d Engine
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa

Tuesday, 30 October

Rpg Example [new]
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Rpg Example
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Nice Looking Scrolling Starfield [new]
Making a space shooter? "10/10" -unreg- - Posted by felpman
View Auto Zoom, Like Super Smash Bros [new]
Keep multiple objects always in view - Posted by jabelar
Drop Shadowed Text [new]
Easy shadowed text. Rated 9/10! - Posted by ArtySpace
Cool Looking Scrolling Starfield! [new]
130+DLs! -unregistered compatible!- - Posted by felpman
Cool Looking Scrolling Starfield!
170+DLs! -unregistered compatible!- - Posted by felpman
View Auto Zoom, Like Super Smash Bros
Keep multiple objects always in view - Posted by jabelar
Drop Shadowed Text
Easy shadowed text. Rated 9/10! - Posted by ArtySpace

Wednesday, 31 October

Detailization (now Commented) [new]
Posted by pepolshet
Object As A Healthbar [new]
Posted by jcgurango
Pause Game Example [new]
Very easy to use!! - Posted by Josho13

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« September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 »