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January 2008

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« December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 »

Game Maker News

Tuesday, 1 January

December ‘07
December 2007 was a slow month for the Game Maker Community, but here are some of the m...

Thursday, 3 January

Tutorial Contest
Game Maker tutorials host site GMTutorials.com is announcing a contest to create the be...

Friday, 4 January

64Digits Shut Down?
Earlier today, 64Digits user TwistyWristy used an exploit in 64Digits to take over Dese...

Tuesday, 8 January

GMTech Issue 10
Game Maker Technology Magazine Issue 10 has been released and has been very well receiv...

Thursday, 10 January

Winter Competition Results Announced
Today YoyoGames announced the official results of the Winter Competition. There’s...

Sunday, 27 January

Full GM Decmpiler in the Wild [new]
Yesterday a complete, cross-platform Game Maker decompiler was released. The tool was a...
64Digits Disaster [new]
In the wake of the decompiler release, GearGOD was removed from 64Digits staff for rele...
64Digits Disaster [new]
In the wake of the decompiler release, GearGOD was removed from 64Digits staff due to n...
64Digits Disaster [new]
In the wake of the decompiler release, several staff member decided to demote GearGOD d...
Full GM Decmpiler in the Wild
Yesterday a complete, cross-platform Game Maker decompiler was released. The tool was a...
64Digits Disaster
In the wake of the decompiler release, several staff member decided to demote GearGOD d...

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« December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 »