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February 2008

Archive Archive

« January 2008 | February 2008 | March 2008 »

GM Tutorials

Wednesday, 6 February

Winners have been announced
Here are the winners for the competition of January 2008.

Sunday, 10 February

Article editor bug fixed
You are now able to edit your articles again.
Level Design Theory
Players/Consumers are a top priority in your game. After all, they ARE the ones you are...
Planning your game
Planning is an essential part of designing any game. You may think it isn't, but most g...

Saturday, 16 February

Extremely easy night thing
Just in case you wont to know the easy way but doesnt look so good

Sunday, 17 February

Theory of AI
The Theory of AI

Tuesday, 19 February

What do you do when you have no idea what article to write for the competition?!?!
New Administrator and programmer
A new administrator/programmer has joined the team!

Friday, 22 February

How to simply and effectively learn how to use Game Maker
Have you have trouble learning Game Maker? Here are some nice tips on how to learn it.

Wednesday, 27 February

SHMUP_engine [new]
v0.31Control : Move => Arrowsshoot => CTRLThat's it for now.There's so much work ...
v0.31Control : Move => Arrowsshoot => CTRLThat's it for now.There's so much work ...

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« January 2008 | February 2008 | March 2008 »