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Dit blog is helaas alleen beschikbaar in het Engels. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.


Featured: Game Maker Search Featured: Game Maker Search

After the first week with our new design I'd like to light out an underappreciated feature of the new site. We’ve always had a search field in the top right corner of the site but this time it works slightly different.

If you did a search for ‘platform tutorial’ on the old system you’d be redirected to Google’s result about tutorials on platforms with 15 million results about Java, multiverse, facebook and a whole lot more results.

If you where to use the current search you’ll find it only shows Game Maker results and the very first hit is a tutorial (coincidently by me) on how to write a platform game where the second result is the official tutorial from the YoYo website.

The new Game Maker search system harnesses the power of Google to give you only Game Maker related results on your searches. So whether you need a tutorial or your trying to find a game you once saw or your trying to find back a topic on the GMC, this search is here for you.

If you are missing your favorite Game Maker website in the results, do let us know and we’ll try to add it ASAP.

I hope you enjoy all the new features and do let us know what you think about them
Geplaatst door Simon Donkers op 1 september 2007

Over Simon Donkers Over Simon Donkers

Simon Donkers is een 21 jaar oude student Technische Natuurkunde met een uitgebreid portfolio van Games en GameMaker resources. Hij is lid van Eo GDC en is beheerder van de NGMC.
Bekijk mijn portfolio voor meer informatie.

Over Johannes Stoop Over Johannes Stoop

Johannes Stoop is de oprichter van de NGMC. In zijn vrije tijd ontwerpt hij graag websites, over uiteenlopende onderwerpen.