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Game Maker 7 beta 1 Game Maker 7 beta 1

Game Maker 7 beta 1 out now! Mark Overmars has just officially released Game Maker 7.0 beta 1.
Here's a list of some of the changes in 7.0.

- Game Maker 7.0 will have an extension mechanism allowing you to make Game Maker even more versatile then it already is.
- An extension pack is available filled with room transitions, another extension pack with Windows dialog windows and a third with printer support.
- Game Maker 7 is Vista compatible. This comes at the price of significantly higher executable size though.

Remember, this is only a beta. This version might still contain bugs so use it with care. Make backups of your projects regulary and report all the bugs you find to Mark Overmars.
Finally, you can download the beta from:
GameMaker.nl/Beta.html. Note that this beta is only available to people who have a registered version of Game Maker 6.
Geplaatst door Simon Donkers op 9 december 2006

Over Simon Donkers Over Simon Donkers

Simon Donkers is een 21 jaar oude student Technische Natuurkunde met een uitgebreid portfolio van Games en GameMaker resources. Hij is lid van Eo GDC en is beheerder van de NGMC.
Bekijk mijn portfolio voor meer informatie.

Over Johannes Stoop Over Johannes Stoop

Johannes Stoop is de oprichter van de NGMC. In zijn vrije tijd ontwerpt hij graag websites, over uiteenlopende onderwerpen.