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Dit blog is helaas alleen beschikbaar in het Engels. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.


Featured: Customize Featured: Customize

Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? Are you here to play some fun games? Or do you want to know the latest Game Maker news from across the web? Or perhaps you are just looking for some tutorials.

There are many different people visiting this site, each with their own goals. While we do our best to create a frontpage with all the information you need we will no doubt list the wrong items for some people. And that's why, with the new redesign there's a "customize" button in the navigation bar.

On the first page you're capable of selecting the language of the website, if links should open in a new window and even change the entire layout of the website. However, that's not all. We also offer you the means to completely customize which news items you'd like to show on your frontpage.

In order to generate your own frontpage we do require you to register with our site. However this only takes a few seconds and has been made as simple as possible by removing annoying captchas or email address validations.

After that you can select exactly which feeds you'd like to see on your frontpage, how many columns you'd like to have and how many items for each feed to show. This way you can tweak the page exactly to what you'd like to have.

PS: To make this even more useful I've added Marks Game Design Glog to the list of options today as well as a few more sites in the group "Game Maker".

PPS: is your favorite site missing, is your primary language missing, do you think you can create a better theme theme we currently have, do you have something interesting on your site you'd like us to promote, then contact us.
Geplaatst door Simon Donkers op 15 september 2007

Over Simon Donkers Over Simon Donkers

Simon Donkers is een 21 jaar oude student Technische Natuurkunde met een uitgebreid portfolio van Games en GameMaker resources. Hij is lid van Eo GDC en is beheerder van de NGMC.
Bekijk mijn portfolio voor meer informatie.

Over Johannes Stoop Over Johannes Stoop

Johannes Stoop is de oprichter van de NGMC. In zijn vrije tijd ontwerpt hij graag websites, over uiteenlopende onderwerpen.