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Some news updates
Over the last month we received a lot of messages from people who appreciate our work and people who asked if we could put their website on GameMaker.info as well.
First, I want to say that we really appreciate your messages. We try to answer them as soon as possible. Also we will take a look at your website if you suggest one and mostly we will add them to the site, but we can't promise anything.
Still we are working hard to bring up some new features, but this takes a lot of time, so be patient. In the main time take a look at some features we already offer.
Posted by Johannes Stoop @ 24 octobre 2007
First, I want to say that we really appreciate your messages. We try to answer them as soon as possible. Also we will take a look at your website if you suggest one and mostly we will add them to the site, but we can't promise anything.
Still we are working hard to bring up some new features, but this takes a lot of time, so be patient. In the main time take a look at some features we already offer.
- Customize: customize the site the way you like it, choose your own layout and news feeds;
- Game Maker manual: if you have a problem with Game Maker, search in the online manual;
- Game Maker search: searching for GM games or websites, try our custom Google search field;
Posted by Johannes Stoop @ 24 octobre 2007
Featured: Customize
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? Are you here to play some fun games? Or do you want to know the latest Game Maker news from across the web? Or perhaps you are just looking for some tutorials.
There are many different people visiting this site, each with their own goals. While we do our best to create a frontpage with all the information you need we will no doubt list the wrong items for some people. And that's why, with the new redesign there's a "customize" button in the navigation bar.
On the first page you're capable of selecting the language of the website, if links should open in a new window and even change the entire layout of the website. However, that's not all. We also offer you the means to completely customize which news items you'd like to show on your frontpage.
In order to generate your own frontpage we do require you to register with our site. However this only takes a few seconds and has been made as simple as possible by removing annoying captchas or email address validations.
After that you can select exactly which feeds you'd like to see on your frontpage, how many columns you'd like to have and how many items for each feed to show. This way you can tweak the page exactly to what you'd like to have.
PS: To make this even more useful I've added Marks Game Design Glog to the list of options today as well as a few more sites in the group "Game Maker".
PPS: is your favorite site missing, is your primary language missing, do you think you can create a better theme theme we currently have, do you have something interesting on your site you'd like us to promote, then contact us.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 15 septembre 2007
There are many different people visiting this site, each with their own goals. While we do our best to create a frontpage with all the information you need we will no doubt list the wrong items for some people. And that's why, with the new redesign there's a "customize" button in the navigation bar.
On the first page you're capable of selecting the language of the website, if links should open in a new window and even change the entire layout of the website. However, that's not all. We also offer you the means to completely customize which news items you'd like to show on your frontpage.
In order to generate your own frontpage we do require you to register with our site. However this only takes a few seconds and has been made as simple as possible by removing annoying captchas or email address validations.
After that you can select exactly which feeds you'd like to see on your frontpage, how many columns you'd like to have and how many items for each feed to show. This way you can tweak the page exactly to what you'd like to have.
PS: To make this even more useful I've added Marks Game Design Glog to the list of options today as well as a few more sites in the group "Game Maker".
PPS: is your favorite site missing, is your primary language missing, do you think you can create a better theme theme we currently have, do you have something interesting on your site you'd like us to promote, then contact us.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 15 septembre 2007
Featured: Game Maker manual

Within the menu 'Extras' at the top of this page you'll find the Manual listed. This page offers the Game Maker manual online and easily browsable. You can easily go to the chapter you are interested it and copy the link for somebody to show them how to do something.
But besides simple browsing there's also a quick search feature where you'll get search results while you type. With a single click you'll easily and quickly jump straight through the proper part of the manual and with a permalink button at the top and bottom of the page you'll easily share the info with other people.
We also include a button to browse the manual by icon. You'll get a list of all D&D actions and events and with a single click you'll jump straight to the proper part of the manual telling you everything you need to know.
If you prefer your browsers search system you can also access the entire manual from a single long page. This is especially useful with Firefox quick search system, provided you want to wait until the entire page is loaded.
I hope you enjoy this new feature and do let us know what you think about it.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 8 septembre 2007
Featured: Game Maker Search
After the first week with our new design I'd like to light out an underappreciated feature of the new site. Weve always had a search field in the top right corner of the site but this time it works slightly different.
If you did a search for platform tutorial on the old system youd be redirected to Googles result about tutorials on platforms with 15 million results about Java, multiverse, facebook and a whole lot more results.
If you where to use the current search youll find it only shows Game Maker results and the very first hit is a tutorial (coincidently by me) on how to write a platform game where the second result is the official tutorial from the YoYo website.
The new Game Maker search system harnesses the power of Google to give you only Game Maker related results on your searches. So whether you need a tutorial or your trying to find a game you once saw or your trying to find back a topic on the GMC, this search is here for you.
If you are missing your favorite Game Maker website in the results, do let us know and well try to add it ASAP.
I hope you enjoy all the new features and do let us know what you think about them
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 1 septembre 2007
If you did a search for platform tutorial on the old system youd be redirected to Googles result about tutorials on platforms with 15 million results about Java, multiverse, facebook and a whole lot more results.
If you where to use the current search youll find it only shows Game Maker results and the very first hit is a tutorial (coincidently by me) on how to write a platform game where the second result is the official tutorial from the YoYo website.
The new Game Maker search system harnesses the power of Google to give you only Game Maker related results on your searches. So whether you need a tutorial or your trying to find a game you once saw or your trying to find back a topic on the GMC, this search is here for you.
If you are missing your favorite Game Maker website in the results, do let us know and well try to add it ASAP.
I hope you enjoy all the new features and do let us know what you think about them
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 1 septembre 2007
Game Maker.info renewed
Game Maker.info has undergone a complete metamorphose. While the site still offers all the features that you're used too, it now offers a whole lot more. The new feature list is far to long to mention here in detail so I recommend you all to just give the site a try and find out for yourself.
While you are doing that, do let us know if you find any issues with the site or we're missing your favorite website.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 25 août 2007
While you are doing that, do let us know if you find any issues with the site or we're missing your favorite website.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 25 août 2007
About Simon Donkers
Simon Donkers is a 21 year old student Technical Physics with an extensive portfolio of Games and GameMaker resources. He is a member of Eo GDC and an admin on the NGMC.
See my portfolio for more info.
See my portfolio for more info.
About Johannes Stoop
Johannes Stoop is the founder of the NGMC. In his spare time he likes to design websites, about many different subjects.