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Featured: Game Maker manual

Within the menu 'Extras' at the top of this page you'll find the Manual listed. This page offers the Game Maker manual online and easily browsable. You can easily go to the chapter you are interested it and copy the link for somebody to show them how to do something.
But besides simple browsing there's also a quick search feature where you'll get search results while you type. With a single click you'll easily and quickly jump straight through the proper part of the manual and with a permalink button at the top and bottom of the page you'll easily share the info with other people.
We also include a button to browse the manual by icon. You'll get a list of all D&D actions and events and with a single click you'll jump straight to the proper part of the manual telling you everything you need to know.
If you prefer your browsers search system you can also access the entire manual from a single long page. This is especially useful with Firefox quick search system, provided you want to wait until the entire page is loaded.
I hope you enjoy this new feature and do let us know what you think about it.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 8 septembre 2007
About Simon Donkers
Simon Donkers is a 21 year old student Technical Physics with an extensive portfolio of Games and GameMaker resources. He is a member of Eo GDC and an admin on the NGMC.
See my portfolio for more info.
See my portfolio for more info.
About Johannes Stoop
Johannes Stoop is the founder of the NGMC. In his spare time he likes to design websites, about many different subjects.