Ce Blog n'est disponnible qu'en anglais seulement. Toutes nos excuses pour l'inconvénient
Vous parlez Francais?
Thanks to the generous help from Theo Keeler aka Flashback from
Music Lib our website is now fully usable in French.
Also, as you may have noticed, the URL's changed slightly. Now, when you visit our website you will automatically be redirected to the language most suited for you. I hope you enjoy this French version and we welcome your help if you like to make our website available in your language as well. Also if you are a French webmaster from a Game Maker website contact us to get some localised French news on the frontpage. And we still welcome all feedback you might want to give us.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 14 octobre 2006

Also, as you may have noticed, the URL's changed slightly. Now, when you visit our website you will automatically be redirected to the language most suited for you. I hope you enjoy this French version and we welcome your help if you like to make our website available in your language as well. Also if you are a French webmaster from a Game Maker website contact us to get some localised French news on the frontpage. And we still welcome all feedback you might want to give us.
Posted by Simon Donkers @ 14 octobre 2006
About Simon Donkers
Simon Donkers is a 21 year old student Technical Physics with an extensive portfolio of Games and GameMaker resources. He is a member of Eo GDC and an admin on the NGMC.
See my portfolio for more info.
See my portfolio for more info.
About Johannes Stoop
Johannes Stoop is the founder of the NGMC. In his spare time he likes to design websites, about many different subjects.